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Principle of Sustainable Development -Focusing on sustainable development for the Arctic-

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dc.contributor.authorSeo, Won-Sang-
dc.description.abstractSustainable development is a basic principle of international environmental law. This principle has known as concept composed of intergenerational equity, sustainable use of natural resources, equitable use of natural resources, and Integration of environment and development in general. Between Sustainable development of international environmental law and sustainable development for the Arctic, the aims to establish environmental sustainability are same, but differences exist in many ways. The Arctic region is comprised of territory or jurisdictional sea area of the Arctic countries and the high sea. However, as the seas including pure international waters are still covered in ice, currently, the Artic land and ocean are the Arctic countries territory under the jurisdiction of the geographical domain. It is only possible for other countries obtaining permission through cooperation with them to participate in the development of the Arctic. This situation raises concern that principal judgments of the environmental sustainability are focused on the only Arctic country. Sustainable development has demanded that human, especially future generation, survival will be unthreatened by economic development activity. On the other hand, sustainable development for the Arctic region has demanded that all benefits of the environmental sustainability and economic development will accord with the needs of indigenous poeple.tion of environment and development in general. Between Sustainable development of international environmental law and sustainable development for the Arctic, the aims to establish environmental sustainability are same, but differences exist in many ways. The Arctic region is comprised of territory or jurisdictional sea area of the Arctic countries and the high sea. However, as the seas including pure international waters are still covered in ice, currently, the Artic land and ocean are the Arctic countries territory under the jurisdiction of the geographical domain. It is only possible for other countries obtaining permission through cooperation with them to participate in the development of the Arctic. This situation raises concern that principal judgments of the environmental sustainability are focused on the only Arctic country. Sustainable development has demanded that human, especially future generation, survival will be unthreatened by economic development activity. On the other hand, sustainable development for the Arctic region has demanded that all benefits of the environmental sustainability and economic development will accord with the needs of indigenous poeple.en_US
dc.titlePrinciple of Sustainable Development -Focusing on sustainable development for the Arctic--
dc.title.alternative지속가능한 개발원칙: 북극의 지속가능한 개발을 중심으로-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationSeo, Won-Sang. 2013. "Principle of Sustainable Development -Focusing on sustainable development for the Arctic-". <em>Korea International Law Review</em>, 38: 63-88.-
dc.citation.titleKorea International Law Review-
dc.subject.keywordGovernment & Law-
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