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The study of biogeochemical alteration of clay mineral in marine and terrigenous sediments distributed in exposure area of glacier, West Antarctica

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DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorKim, JinWook-
dc.publisher연세대학교 산학협력단en_US
dc.titleThe study of biogeochemical alteration of clay mineral in marine and terrigenous sediments distributed in exposure area of glacier, West Antarctica-
dc.title.alternative서남극 빙하노출지역 주변 육상 토양 및 해저퇴적물에 분포하는 점토광물의 생지화학적 변이작용 연구-
dc.typeResearch reporten_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationKim, JinWook. 2016. The study of biogeochemical alteration of clay mineral in marine and terrigenous sediments distributed in exposure area of glacier, West Antarctica.-
Appears in Collections  
2014-2016, Monitoring of Abrupt Environmental Change in The Ice Shelf System and Reconstruction of Quaternary Deglaciation History in West Antarctica (14-16) / Yoon; Ho Il (PP15010; PP16010; PP14010)
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