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Browse by Author Frank Kauker

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
  • 1 Article Decorrelation scales for Arctic Ocean hydrography ? Part I: Amerasian Basin

    북극해 수리학에 대한 비상관성 규모 연구 - 파트1: 어메라시안 분지


    Hiroshi Sumata; Takashi Kikuchi; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Koji Shimada; Ursula Schauer; Rudiger Gerdes; Axel Behrendt; Mary-Louise Timmermans; Benjamin Rabe; Michael Karcher; Frank Kauker

  • 2 Article Under-Ice Light Field in the Western Arctic Ocean During Late Summer

    늦여름 서북극해에서의 해빙 빛 투과 특성 연구


    Gaelle Veyssiere; Giulia Castellani; Jeremy Wilkinson; Michael Karcher; Alexander Hayward; Julienne Stroeve; Marcel Nicolaus; Kim, Joo-Hong; Yang, Eun Jin; Lovro Valcic; Frank Kauker; Alia Khan; Indea Rogers; Jung, Jinyoung

