- 151
Chemical constituents from the Antarctic lichen Usnea aurantiaco-atra and their chemotaxonomic significance
남극지의류, Usnea aurantiaco-atra 로부터 화합물들의 조성 및 분류학적 중요성
Phi Kim Hoa; So, Jae Eun; Kim, Ji Hee; Koo, Man Hyung; Kim, Jin-Hyoung; Kim, Dockyu; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Lee, Seulah; Youn, Ui Joung
- 152
The rapid shift of intertidal macroalgal assemblage from vertical shoreline profiles in Barton Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica during summer
남극 여름동안 킹조지섬 바톤반도 조간대 해조류 군집의 빠른 변화
고영욱; 이동석; Kim, Sanghee; 김정하; Choi, Han-Gu
- 153
U-Pb ages and REE compositions of zircon in megacrystic phengite-bearing quartz vein from the Lanterman Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
남극 북빅토리아랜드 랜터만 산맥에 산출하는 함거정질 펜자이트 석영맥의 저어콘 우라늄-납 연대와 희토류원소 조성
- 154
Potential Loss of Predictability in the Numerical Weather Prediction from the Reduced Spatial Coverage of the Polar-Orbiting Satellite Observing System
극궤도위성 관측 자료 감소로 인한 수치예보모델 정확도 영향 진단
노영찬; Huang Hung-Lung; Goldberg Mitchell D.; Choi, Yonghan
- 155
Arctic deep-water anoxia and its potential role for ocean carbon sink during glacial periods
빙하기 북극해 산소 및 이의 해양 탄소 조절자로서의 잠재적 역할
Jang, Kwangchul; 우경식; Kim Jin-Kyoung; Nam, Seung-il
- 156
Ammonia Adsorption on Crystalline Ice Surface: Adsorption Structure and Site Selectivity
결정성 얼음 표면에 암모니아 흡착: 흡착 구조와 장소 선택성
Lee, Du Hyeong; Kang Heon
- 157
Validation of Ionospheric Specifications During Geomagnetic Storms: TEC and foF2 During the 2013 March Storm Event-II
2013년 3월 자기폭풍 이벤트 기간 중 TEC/foF2 예측 검증
Shim J. S.; Song I. S.; Jee, Geonhwa; Kwak Y. S.; Tsagouri I.; Goncharenko L.; McInerney J.; Vitt A.; Rastaetter L.; Yue J.; Chou M.; Codrescu M.; Coster A. J.; Fedrizzi M.; Fuller-Rowell T. J.; Ridley A. J.; Solomon S. C.; Habarulema J. B.
- 158
Emergent Constraint for Future Decline in Arctic Phytoplankton Concentration
미래 북극해 식물플랑크톤의 감소
Noh Kyung Min; Lim Hyung-Gyu; Yang, Eun Jin; Kug Jong-Seong
- 159
Seasonal dynamics of sinking organic matter in the Pacific Arctic Ocean revealed by nitrogen isotope ratios of amino acids
태평양 북극해에서 아미노에시드 동위원소를 활용한 물질 플럭스의 계절 변동
Choi Hyuntae; Yang, Eun Jin; Kang, Sung-Ho; Kim Dongseon; Shin Kyung-Hoon
- 160
Bio-optical properties of algal communities in Antarctic pack ice during spring
봄철 남극 팩아이스에서 해빙미세조류의 광학특성
Dalman Laura A.; Schallenberg Christina; Fraser Alexander D.; Bestley Sophie; Yang, Eun Jin; Clementson Lesley; Meiners Klaus M.
- 161
Distribution characteristics of Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
남극 로스해에 서식하는 남극 은암치(Pleuragramma antarcticum)의 분포 특성
이사라; 오우석; La, Hyoung Sul; Son, Wuju; Kim, Jeong-Hoon; 이경훈
- 162
Arctic Ocean sediments as important current and future sinks for marine microplastics missing in the global microplastic budget
글로벌 미세플라스틱 버젯에서 북극해 퇴적물의 중요성
Kim Seung-Kyu; Kim Ji-Su; Kim, So-Young; Song Nan-Seon; La, Hyoung Sul; Yang, Eun Jin
- 163
Cyclic dipeptides and alkaloids from the rare actinobacteria Streptacidiphilus carbonis isolated from Sphaerophorus globosus (Huds.) Vain.
Sphaerophorus globosus (Huds.) Vain으로부터 분리된 희소성 actinobacteria, Streptacidiphilus carbonis로부터 알카로이드 및 환형의 디펩타이드
Koo, Man Hyung; Kim, Eun Jae; Lee, Jun Hyuck; Han, Se Jong; Lee, Yung Mi; Lee Seulah; Youn, Ui Joung
- 164
On Papuliferes, putative ciliate cysts of diverse morphologies, with new observations from the plankton of the Chukchi Sea (Arctic Ocean)
북극 척치해에서 섬모충류 cysts의 관찰
Dolan John R.; Yang, Eun Jin; Moon, Jung Kuk
- 165
Catalytic behavior of nitrous acid for acetaminophen transformation during the freezing process
동결 중 아질산의 촉매거동에 의한 아세트아미노펜 화학 변환
안용윤; Kim Jungwon; Kim, Kitae
- 166
Observational evidence linking ocean sulfur compounds to atmospheric dimethyl sulfide during Icelandic Sea phytoplankton blooms
해양 황성분과 대기 DMS간의 상관성에 관한 관측적 증거
Lee Kitack; Kim Jun-Seok; Park, Ki-Tae; Park Min-Ji; Jang, Eunho; Gudmundsson Kristinn; Olafsdottir Solveig R.; Olafsson Jon; Yoon, Young Jun; Lee, Bang Yong; Kwon Sae Yun; Kam Jonghun
- 167
Geophysical Evidence Indicating the Presence of Gas Hydrates in a Mud Volcano (MV420) in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
캐나다 보퍼트해 진흙화산(MV420) 내 가스하이드레이트 부존을 지시하는 지구물리학적 증거
Choi, Yeonjin; 김영균; Kang, Seung-Goo; Jin, Young Keun; Hong, Jong Kuk; 정우근; 신성렬
- 168
Commentary: Reply to commentary by Noormets and Kirchner on “Glacial history and depositional environments in little Storfjorden and Hambergbukta of Arctic Svalbard since the younger dryas” [Frontiers in Earth Science, (2022), 2211]
"Glacial history and depositional environments in little Storfjorden and Hambergbukta of Arctic Svalbard since the younger dryas" 논문에 대한 Noormets and Kirchner의 의견에 대한 코멘트(반박)
Joe, Young Jin; Jang, Kwangchul; Matthias Forwick; Jan Sverre Laberg; Nam, Seung-il
- 169
Non-destructive elemental analysis of lunar meteorites using a negative muon beam
뮤온 빔을 이용한 달운석의 비파괴 원소 분석
Chiu I-Huan; Terada Kentaro; Osawa Takahito; Park, Changkun; Takeshita Soshi; Miyake Yasuhiro; Ninomiya Kazuhiko
- 170
Parameterization of polydisperse aerosol optical properties during hygroscopic growth
입자 성장과정에서의 광학특성의 모수화
Jung Chang H.; Han Kyung Man; Yoon, Young Jun; Kim Dongchul; Lee Ji Yi; Lee Hyung-Min; Um Junshik; Lee Seoung Soo; Kim Yong Pyo
- 171
Hymenobacter canadensis sp. nov., isolated from freshwater of the pond in Cambridge Bay, Canada
캐나다 캠브리지베이 연못 담수로부터 분리한 Hymenobacter canadensis 신종 보고
김우현; 장성한; 채남이; Kim, Mincheol; Yeh J.-Y.; Kim, Sanghee; Lee, Yung Mi
- 172
Variability of Surface Radiation Budget over Arctic during Two Recent Decades from Perspective of CERES and ERA5 Data
Variability of Surface Radiation Budget over Arctic during Two Recent Decades from Perspective of CERES and ERA5 Data
서민지; Kim, Hyun-cheol; Seong Noh-Hun; Sim Suyoung; Han Kyung-Soo
- 173
Identifying the Mechanism of Campbell Glacier Sudden Collapse in Antarctica: Ice and Fire
남극 캠벨 빙하 돌발 붕괴의 기작 규명 - 얼음과 불 -
- 174
Effect of Water Temperature, Fish Age, and MS-222 Concentration on the Anesthetization of River Pufferfish, Takifugu obscurus
황복의 마취에 미치는 수온 및 연령과 MS222 농도의 영향
이승연; Thi-Phuong Nguyen; 송호경; 허성표; Kim, Jin-Hyoung
- 175
The Pacific Water flow branches in the eastern Chukchi Sea
동척치해에서의 태평양수 분기류
R.S. Pickart; P. Lin; F. Bahr; L.T. McRaven; J. Huang; A. Pacini; K.R. Arrigo; C.J. Ashjian; C. Berchok; M.F. Baumgartner; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; L.W. Cooper; S. Danielson; D. Dasher; A. Fuiwara; J. Gann; J.M. Grebmeier; J. He; T. Hirawake; M. Itoh; L. Juranek; T. Kikuchi; G.W.K. Moore; J. Napp; R.J. Nelson; S. Nishino; H. Statscewich; P. Stabeno; K.M. Stafford; H. Ueno; S. Vagle; T.J. Weingartner; B. Williams; S. Zimmermann
- 176
Vertical distributions of organic matter components in sea ice near Cambridge Bay, Dease Strait, Canadian Archipelago
캠브리지 베이 해빙의 수직적 유기물 조성 분포
Kim Kwanwoo; Ha, Sun-Yong; Shin Kyung-Hoon; 김지훈; Mundy C. J.; Dalman Laura A.; Kim Bo Kyung; Lee Dabin; Jang Hyo Keun; Kim Yejin; Park Sanghoon; Lee Sang Heon
- 177
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of glaciomarine sediments in the Drygalski Basin of the western Ross Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum
최대 회후 빙하기 이후 로스해 서쪽 드라이갈스키 분지의 빙해양 퇴적물을 이용한 고환경 복원
하상범; Lee, Jae Il; Bak Young-Suk; Yoo, Kyu-Cheul; Khim Boo-Keun
- 178
Large contributions of petrogenic and aged soil-derived organic carbon to Arctic fjord sediments in Svalbard
스발바르 피오르드 표층퇴적물에 대한 petrogenic 및 aged soil 기원 유기탄소의 기여도 평가 연구
Kim, Dahae; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Ahn, Youngkyu; Jang, Kwangchul; Jung, Ji Young; 배민지; Nam, Seung-il
- 179
Chromosome-level genome assembly of Patagonian moray cod (Muraenolepis orangiensis) and immune deficiency of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II
Patagonian moray cod (Muraenolepis orangiensis)의 염색체 수준 게놈 조립 및 주요 조직 적합성 복합체(MHC) 클래스 II의 면역 결핍
Kim Jinmu; Lee Seung Jae; Jo, Euna; Choi Eunkyung; Cho Minjoo; Choi Soyun; Kim, Jeong-Hoon; Park Hyun
- 180
Atlantic-origin water extension into the Pacific Arctic induced an anomalous biogeochemical event
대서양 기원 해수의 태평양 북극으로의 확장이 유발한 비정상적인 생물지화학적 이벤트
Nishino S.; Jung, Jinyoung; Cho, Kyoung-Ho; Williams W.J.; Fujiwara A.; Murata A.; Itoh M.; Watanabe E.; Aoyama M.; Yamamoto-Kawai M.; Kikuchi T.; Yang, Eun Jin; Kang, Sung-Ho