- 931
Research report
Development of the research program for the polar upper atmosphere and space environment
극지 우주환경-고층대기 연구프로그램 마스터 플랜
- 932
Research report
Planning study for a land-based expedition of the Ross Ice Shelf
육상 기반 로스 빙붕 종합 탐사를 위한 기획 연구
- 933
Research report
A study Oceanic Environmental Change using Ocean Color Remote Sensing Data
- 934
Research report
Carbon dioxide capture & storage in the Antarctic ocean
남극해 이산화탄소 해양 저장 기작
- 935
Research report
Construction of Advanced Fluorescence Systems for Automatic Measurements of Phytoplankton Biomass, Physiology, and Photosynthetic Rates aboard R/V Araon
아라온 탑재 식물플랑크톤 광합성생리특성 측정장비 개발
- 936
Research report
Bio-optical Properties in the Southern Ocean in Support of Ocean Color Remote Sensing
고위도권 해색-CDOM 광학특성연구
- 937
Research report
Variations of Antarctic Oscillation during the past millennium and the twenty first century
지난 1000년간 남극진동 변동성 규명 및 미래 전망(Variations of Antarctic Oscillation during the past millennium and the twenty first century)
- 938
Research report
Metabolism of Polar Bacteria Producing Cold-active Protease
저온활성 프로티아제 생산 극지 미생물의 대사 연구
- 939
Research report
Arctic Oscillation variability and East Asia monsoon
북극진동과 동아시아 몬순 상관성연구
- 940
Research report
Analysis of characteristics of the circulation and lower trophic level ecosystem in the western Antarctic Ocean
서남극해 결빙해역의 순환 및 하위생태계 특성 분석
- 941
Research report
Generation of polar marine organism-derived novel lead substances and examination of precise activities
극지 해양생물 유래 신규 선도물질 도출 및 정밀활성 규명
- 942
Research report
Annual Report of 2015 Activities at the DASAN Station, Ny-Alesund in Arctic
2015 북극활동 보고서
- 943
Research report
International Legal Issues on Sustainable Development for the Arctic
북극의 지속가능한 개발에 관한 국제법의 제 문제
- 944
Research report
A planning research making an RFP for integrated monitoring systems of glacier, weather and ecology
‘빙하?대기?생태계 관측을 위한 통합 계측 시스템 개발’ 제안요청서 작성을 위한 기획 연구
- 945
Research report
The Arctic marine sedimental microbial diversity monitoring and metatranscriptome study
북극 해양퇴적물내 미생물의 군집 조사 및 metatranscriptome 연구
- 946
Research report
Isolation of Eco-Functional Microbes Using a Massive High-Throughput Culturing from the Polar Oceans and Studies on the Physiological Genomics
대용량 고효율배양기법을 이용한 극지해양의 생태기능 미생물 배양 및 유전체·생리연구
Cho, Jang Cheon
- 947
Research report
Continuous measurements of atmospheric DMS in the arctic environment
북극 대기에서 생물기원기후가스 (DMS) 발생메커니즘 규명
- 948
Research report
Developing gas extraction methods for ice core CH4 analysis and application to multidecadal-scale variability of atmospheric CH4 during the last 500 years
메탄 분석을 위한 빙하코어 기체추출법 개발 및 지난 500년간 대기 메탄의 수십 년 시간 규모의 변동성 연구
- 949
Research report
Understanding reaction properties of organic and inorganic compounds in ice and its environmental implications in polar regions
얼음 내 유·무기물의 반응특이성 이해및 극지환경에 미치는 영향 연구
- 950
Research report
양극해 R&D 2단계 사업의 경제적 타당성 분석
Yoo, Seung-Hoon
- 951
Research report
Planning research for the practical application of antifreeze protein
극지 결빙방지단백질 실용화를 위한 기반 확립 연구
- 952
Research report
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
- 953
Research report
Svalbard Treaty
스발바르 조약(극지관련 국제조약, 선언 핸드북-북극편 제1권)
- 954
Research report
Bio-optical Properties in the Southern Ocean in Support of Ocean Color Remote Sensing
- 955
Research report
Estimation of POC and Biogenic silica export fluxes using 234Th/238U disequilibrium in the Amundsen sea, Antarctic Ⅱ
- 956
Research report
Research on Spatial-temporal Variations of Ice Melting in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, Using Remote Sensing Data
- 957
Research report
Diversity of phototrophs and microorganisms involved in greenhouse gas transformation in ocean water under seaice
- 958
Research report
Analysis of characteristics of the circulation and lower trophic level ecosystem in the western Antarctic Ocean
- 959
Research report
Microbial ecology in the sea-ice zone of the Amundsen Sea
- 960
Research report
Study of Polar Streptomyces Cytochrome P450