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Embryos of an Antarctic zooplankton require anoxia for dormancy, are permeable to lipophilic chemicals, and reside in sediments containing PCBs

Cited 4 time in wos
Cited 5 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorReed, Katherine A.-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Hyun-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Sung Gu-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Wonseok-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Sang-Hwan-
dc.contributor.authorBleau, Jason M.-
dc.contributor.authorMunden, Taylor N. M.-
dc.contributor.authorCovi, Joseph A.-
dc.description.abstractZooplankton in Antarctic maritime lakes face challenges imposed by anthropogenic chemicals. Studies on temperate species suggest that lipophilic chemicals will accumulate in dormant embryos of Antarctic zooplankton and decrease hatching success, thereby threatening centuries of accumulated genetic diversity that would increase population resilience in the face of climate change. We evaluated the potential for lakes to act as sinks for legacy pollutants in the maritime Antarctic by testing sediments for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) previously identified in soil, flora and fauna of lake catchments. Direct tests of embryo permeability to chemicals are confounded by potential adhesion of chemicals to the embryo surface and limited biomass available. Therefore, in order to assess the potential for lipophilic chemicals to penetrate and passively accumulate in dormant embryos of Antarctic lacustrine zooplankton, we evaluated the effect of anoxia on post-diapause development in the calanoid copepod, Boeckella poppei, and then used chemical anoxia induced by rotenone as a reporter for permeability of these embryos to moderately lipophilic chemicals. The data presented demonstrate that embryos of B. poppei from Antarctic lake sediments will passively accumulate moderately lipophilic chemicals while lying dormant in anoxic sediments. Implications for legacy POPs in sediments of Antarctic maritime lakes are discussed.en_US
dc.subjectScience & Technology - Other Topicsen_US
dc.subject.classificationKing Sejong Stationen_US
dc.titleEmbryos of an Antarctic zooplankton require anoxia for dormancy, are permeable to lipophilic chemicals, and reside in sediments containing PCBsen_US
dc.title.alternative남극 요각류의 동면에 대한 PCBs영향en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationReed, Katherine A., et al. 2018. "Embryos of an Antarctic zooplankton require anoxia for dormancy, are permeable to lipophilic chemicals, and reside in sediments containing PCBs". <em>SCIENTIFIC REPORTS</em>, 8(1): 16258-16258.-
dc.citation.titleSCIENTIFIC REPORTSen_US
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2016:15.625en_US
Appears in Collections  
2018-2018, Polar Genomics 101 Project: Genome analysis of polar organisms and establishment of application platform (18-18) / Park, Hyun (PE18080)
2017-2018, Polar Genomics 101 Project: Genome analysis of polar organisms and establishment of application platform (17-18) / Park, Hyun (PE17080; PE18080)
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