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Potential benefit of extra radiosonde observations around the Chukchi Sea for the Alaskan short-range weather forecast

Cited 1 time in wos
Cited 2 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Min-Hee-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Joo-Hong-
dc.contributor.authorSong, Hyo-Jong-
dc.contributor.authorInoue, Jun-
dc.contributor.authorSato, Kazutoshi-
dc.contributor.authorYamazaki, Akira-
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, growing attentions have been paid to the potential benefit of extra observations over the data-sparse Arctic Ocean for weather forecasts. Here we also focus on such a case by targeting the inhabited land area, Alaska. During 2?18 August 2015, ship-borne radiosonde sounding observations were performed every 12 hour (except 6-hourly from 12:00 UTC 11 August to 00:00 UTC 14 August) around the Chukchi Sea. To assess the impact of those extra radiosonde observations, two sets of ensemble forecast experiments (CTLf and OSE_Af) were produced, which were respectively initialized by atmospheric reanalysis data without (CTL) and with (OSE_A) additional assimilation of those data. The tropospheric circulation fields are compared to verify their differences in forecast performance. While two forecasts have similar performance in the earlier spin-up period of the analysis-forecast cycle (from 4 to 7 August), their performance tends to diverge in the later period (from 11 to 18 August) due to the accumulated influence on the error reduction in OSE_Af. Among the improved forecasts in OSE_Af, two most outperformed forecasts, each initialized on 00:00 UTC 12 and 00:00 UTC 14, show a notable improvement in predicting the developing trough over Alaska on 16?17 August by suppressing the development of erroneous high anomalies in CTLf. Though the positive impact of single-point observations is limited in a space, our results suggest that enhanced radiosonde profile observations in the data-sparse polar ocean could be beneficial for the forecasts beyond the observational area.en_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental Sciences & Ecologyen_US
dc.titlePotential benefit of extra radiosonde observations around the Chukchi Sea for the Alaskan short-range weather forecasten_US
dc.title.alternative알래스카 지역 단기 기상예측성 향상에 대한 척치해 라디오존데 추가 관측의 잠재적 이점en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationLee, Min-Hee, et al. 2019. "Potential benefit of extra radiosonde observations around the Chukchi Sea for the Alaskan short-range weather forecast". <em>POLAR SCIENCE</em>, 21(1): 124-135.-
dc.citation.titlePOLAR SCIENCEen_US
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2017:75.625en_US
dc.subject.keywordArctic oceanen_US
dc.subject.keywordData assimilationen_US
dc.subject.keywordObserving system experimenten_US
dc.subject.keywordShip-borne radiosonde observationen_US
dc.subject.keywordWeather forecasten_US
Appears in Collections  
2019-2019, Development and Application of the Korea Polar Prediction System (KPOPS) for Climate Change and Disasterous Weather Events (19-19) / Kim, Joo-Hong (PE19130)
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