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Spatial Variation in Detrital Neodymium Isotopes of Svalbard Surface Sediments

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dc.contributor.authorJang, Kwangchul-
dc.contributor.authorNam, Seung-il-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Jung-Hyun-
dc.description.abstractThe deposition of sediments in fjords syetem is mainly goverened by the advance and retreat of glaciers, and hence tracing of sediment provenance in fjords is important to understand the ice dynamics and history over time. Here we first present detrital neodymium isotopes (143Nd/144Nd, εNd) measured from the surface sediments retrieved from various fjords on Svalbard in the eastern Arctic Ocean, i.e. Dicksonfjords (n = 8), Hornsund (n = 21), Isfjorden (n = 2), Van Mijenfjorden (n = 2), Wijdefjorden (n = 8) and Woodfjorden (n = 4). The detrital εNd values are variable depending on the geological features such as rock type and age in meltwater drainage area. For example, detrital εNd show the largest fluctuation in Hornsund, where the bedrocks in catchment area include pre-Devonian metamorphic rocks and various younger sedimentary rocks. On the contrary, εNd values in Dicksonfjorden and Woodfjorden are similar to that of Devonian red sandstone, the main lithology of catchment area in two fjord systems. Our data not only indicate the spatial variation in sediment provenance of Svalbard fjords but also emphasize the potential application of detrital neodymium isotopes in paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic studies of fjord sediments.en_US
dc.titleSpatial Variation in Detrital Neodymium Isotopes of Svalbard Surface Sedimentsen_US
dc.title.alternative스발바르 표층 퇴적물 내 쇄설성 네오디뮴 동위원소 비의 공간적 변화en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationJang, Kwangchul, Nam, Seung-il, Kim, Jung-Hyun. 2019. Spatial Variation in Detrital Neodymium Isotopes of Svalbard Surface Sediments. Polar Symposium. KOPRI. 2019.05.13~2019.05.15.-
dc.citation.conferenceNamePolar Symposiumen_US
Appears in Collections  
2017-2018, The variation in the sediment provenance of the ArcticOcean: implications for middle to late Pleistoceneglacial history in the Arctic Ocean (17-18) / Jang, Kwangchul (PN17130)
2019-2019, Changes in environments and coastal geomorphology of Svalbard fjords, Arctic (19-19) / Nam, Seung-il (PN19090)
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