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Diet study of Arctic wolves in Sirius Passet, North Greenland ecosystem

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Won Young-
dc.contributor.authorCho, Hyunjun-
dc.description.abstractIn the Arctic, terrestrial wolves are an important top predator to prey on a variety of animals from small rodents and birds to large ungulates. Although wolves have been studied well, we have few information in high Arctic areas. To investigate the diet of high Arctic wolves, we collected 13 fecal samples in Sirius Passet in North Greenland for three years from 2016 to 2018. By analyzing the fecal components with a microscope, we determined the diet composition of the wolves. We found that a majority of prey was lemmings (54.2% of occurrence) and the second was birds (33.3%). We also detected hairs and bones of muskoxen (8.3%) and Arctic hares (4.2%). These results are not in accordance with the one in a previous study in early 1990s in the same site that the main food sources were muskoxen. Our findings suggest that wolves are highly dependent on lemmings and birds in this area and the diet compositions may have changed with the limited ungulate population.en_US
dc.titleDiet study of Arctic wolves in Sirius Passet, North Greenland ecosystemen_US
dc.title.alternative북그린란드 시리우스 파셋에 서식하는 북극늑대 먹이원 연구en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationLee, Won Young, Cho, Hyunjun. 2019. Diet study of Arctic wolves in Sirius Passet, North Greenland ecosystem. The Korean Society of Ecologycal Environmental Science Conference. Seoul National University. 2019.02.20~2019.02.21.-
dc.citation.conferenceNameThe Korean Society of Ecologycal Environmental Science Conferenceen_US
dc.citation.conferencePlaceSeoul National Universityen_US
dc.subject.keywordArctic wolfen_US
dc.subject.keywordNorth Greenlanden_US
dc.subject.keywordSirius Passeten_US
Appears in Collections  
2019-2019, Basic research for behavioral ecology in Sirius Passet, North Greenland (19-19) / Lee, Won Young (PE19370)
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