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Polynya formation and its associated chlorophyll-a variability in Antarctica

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dc.contributor.authorPark, Jisoo-
dc.contributor.authorShin, Edward K.-
dc.contributor.authorKo, Eunho-
dc.contributor.authorLee, SangHoon-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Taewook-
dc.description.abstractAntarctic coastal polynya is the most productive area in the Southern Ocean, therefore they play a significant role in polar ecosystem. Change in polynya phenology can alter, or even disrupt, the polar food web. As such, it is important to understand the polynya phenology. However, despite polynya’s significance in the polar ecosystem, there are still many unfamiliar aspects of polynya and its associated changes in ecosystem. Our aim is to organize relevant polynya data, reveal insightful polynya characteristics, specifically: determine whether physical polynya features have an effect on phytoplankton dynamics. We investigated to what extent the physical polynya parameters affect polynya phenology. By looking for correlations between such parameters and chlorophyll-a concentration of each season and their respective dates, we hope to develop a thorough understanding of the relationship between the physical input and biological output. We focused on Antarctic polynyas, and we are especially interested in the types of environment that contribute to distinct correlations. We are also interested in the causation and the implications of our findings. Understanding the driving force behind the physical parameters of polynya would allow us to predict what sort of effect a polynya can have on its ecology. We will talk about how physical forcing could affect chlorophyll variability in Antarctic coastal polynyas in recent decades, and whether the relation has any connection with climate change.en_US
dc.titlePolynya formation and its associated chlorophyll-a variability in Antarcticaen_US
dc.title.alternative남극 폴리냐 형성과 그에 따른 엽록소 변동에 관한 연구en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationPark, Jisoo, et al. 2018. Polynya formation and its associated chlorophyll-a variability in Antarctica. Polar 2018. Davos, Switzerland. 2018.06.19~2018.06.23.-
dc.citation.conferenceNamePolar 2018en_US
dc.citation.conferencePlaceDavos, Switzerlanden_US
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2017-2017, Ocean-to-Ice Interactions in Amundsen Sea: Ice shelf melting and its impact on ocean processes (17-17) / Lee, SangHoon (PE17060)
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