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Sensitivity of modelled englacial and subglacial conditions depending on boundary conditions

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dc.contributor.authorPark, In-Woo-
dc.contributor.authorJin, Emilia Kyung-
dc.contributor.authorMorlighem, Mathieu-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Kang Kun-
dc.description.abstractEnglacial and subglacial conditions have been observed through drilling borehole, however, a direct observation is expensive and provids limited information in a specific location. On the other hand, many researchers utilized indirect methods, such as satellite altimetry, air-borne radar, and simulating thermos-dynamic model, for estimating englacial and subglacial conditions, however, these results should be calibrated with direct observation. Geothermal heat is one of key factor controlling subglacial and englacial condition, however, velocity field also affects thermos-dynamic model. Here, we use state-of-a-art thermos-dynamic model for simulating englaical and subglacial conditions compared to 14 observed borehole temperatures. We design 6 experiments with three geothermal heat datasets, and two vertical velocity estimates from plugin flow and incompressible assumption, respectively. Results show that the vertical velocity from plug-in flow model dominating that from the diffusion effect at base infers warmer base compared to incompressible assumption. Although the increase in geothermal heat enhance the basal temperature in plug-in flow assumption in general, it is not enough to melt in cases of Siple Dome and Dome Fuji. As a result, total grounded melting area is much larger in plug-in flow model. All experiments show that grounded ice melting are concentrated at fast flow region, where frictional heat contributes larger heat source than geothermal heat.en_US
dc.titleSensitivity of modelled englacial and subglacial conditions depending on boundary conditionsen_US
dc.title.alternative경계조건에 따른 빙하 모의 민감도 연구en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationPark, In-Woo, et al. 2020. Sensitivity of modelled englacial and subglacial conditions depending on boundary conditions. 2020 AGU Fall Meeting. Online. 2020.12.01~2020.12.17.-
dc.citation.conferenceName2020 AGU Fall Meetingen_US
dc.subject.keywordBorehole Observationen_US
dc.subject.keywordIce Sheet Modelen_US
dc.subject.keywordSensitivity Experimenten_US
dc.subject.keywordenglacial and subglacial conditionsen_US
dc.subject.keywordvertical velocity estimatesen_US
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