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Review of Environmental Monitoring by Means of Radio Waves in the Polar Regions: From Atmosphere to Geospace

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dc.contributor.authorLucilla Alfonsi-
dc.contributor.authorNicolar Bergeot-
dc.contributor.authorPierre J. Cilliers-
dc.contributor.authorGiorgiana De Franceschi-
dc.contributor.authorLisa Baddeley-
dc.contributor.authorEmilia Correia-
dc.contributor.authorDomenico Di Mauro-
dc.contributor.authorCarl-Fredrik Enell-
dc.contributor.authorMark Engebretson-
dc.contributor.authorReza Ghoddousi-Fard-
dc.contributor.authorIngemar Haggstrom-
dc.contributor.authorHam, Young-Bae-
dc.contributor.authorGeorg Heygster-
dc.contributor.authorJee, Geonhwa-
dc.contributor.authorAntti Kero-
dc.contributor.authorMichael Kosch-
dc.contributor.authorKwon, Hyuck-Jin-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Changsup-
dc.contributor.authorStefan Lotz-
dc.contributor.authorLiliana Macotela-
dc.contributor.authorMaria Federica Marcucci-
dc.contributor.authorWojciech J. Miloch-
dc.contributor.authorY. Jade Morton-
dc.contributor.authorTakahiro Naoi-
dc.contributor.authorMonia negusini-
dc.contributor.authorNoora Partamies-
dc.contributor.authorBoyan H. Petkov-
dc.contributor.authorEric Pottiaux-
dc.contributor.authorPaul Prikryl-
dc.contributor.authorP. R. Shreedevi-
dc.contributor.authorRikard Slapak-
dc.contributor.authorLuca Spogli-
dc.contributor.authorJudy Stephenson-
dc.contributor.authorArantxa M. Triana-Gomez-
dc.contributor.authorOleg A. Troshichev-
dc.contributor.authorRoeland Van Malderen-
dc.contributor.authorJames M. Weygand-
dc.contributor.authorShasha Zou-
dc.description.abstractThe Antarctic and Arctic regions are Earth's open windows to the outer space. They provide unique opportunities for investigating the troposphere-thermosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere system at high latitudes, which is not as well understood as the mid and low-latitude regions mainly due to the paucity of experimental observations. In addition, the different neutral and ionized atmospheric layers at high latitudes are much more variable compared to other latitudes, and their variability is due to mechanisms not yet fully understood. Fortunately, since the 2000’s the observing infrastructure in Antarctica and the Arctic has been growing, thus providing scientists with new opportunities to advance the knowledge on the polar atmosphere and geospace. This review shows that it is of paramount importance to perform integrated, multi-disciplinary research, making use of long-term multi-instrument observations combined with ad hoc measurement campaigns to improve our capability of investigating atmospheric dynamics in polar regions from the troposphere up to the plasmasphere, as well as the coupling between atmospheric layers. Starting from the state of the art of understanding the polar atmosphere, our survey outlines the roadmap for enhancing scientific investigation of its physical mechanisms and dynamics through the full exploitation of the available infrastructures for radio-based environmental monitoring.-
dc.subject.classificationJang Bogo Station-
dc.titleReview of Environmental Monitoring by Means of Radio Waves in the Polar Regions: From Atmosphere to Geospace-
dc.title.alternative전파를 활용한 극지역 환경 감시 리뷰: 대기에서 우주까지-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationLucilla Alfonsi, et al. 2022. "Review of Environmental Monitoring by Means of Radio Waves in the Polar Regions: From Atmosphere to Geospace". <em>SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS</em>, 43(1): 1609-1698.-
dc.citation.titleSURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2020:4.545-
dc.subject.keywordMulti-instrument monitoring-
dc.subject.keywordRadio-based monitoring-
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