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Microbial metabolic responses and CO2 emissions differentiated by soil water content variation in subarctic tundra soils

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dc.contributor.authorKim, Dockyu-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Mincheol-
dc.contributor.authorNam, Sungjin-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Tai Kyoung-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Ki-Tae-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Bang Yong-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Hyoungseok-
dc.description.abstractRecent rapid air temperature increases across the northern-latitude tundra have prolonged permafrost thawing and snow melting periods, resulting in increased soil temperature (Ts) and volumetric soil water content (SWC). Under prolonged soil warming at 8 °C, Alaskan tundra soils were incubated in a microcosm system and examined for the SWC differential influence on the microbial decomposition activity of large molecular weight (MW) humic substances (HS). When one microcosm soil (AKC1-1) was incubated at a constant SWC of 41% for 90 days (T=90) and then SWC was gradually decreased from 41% to 29% for another T=90, the initial HS was partly depolymerized. In contrast, in AKC1-2 incubated at a gradually decreasing SWC from the initial 32% to 10% for T=90 and then increasing to 27% for another T=90, HS depolymerization was undetected. Overall, the microbial communities in AKC1-1 could maintain metabolic activity at sufficient and constant SWC during the initial T=90 incubation. In contrast, AKC1-2 microbes may have been damaged by drought stress during the drying SWC regimen, possibly resulting in the loss of HS decomposition activity, which did not recover even after re-wetting to an optimal SWC range. After T=90, the CO2 production in both treatments was attributed to the increased decomposition of small-MW organic compounds (including aerobic HS-degradative products) within an optimal SWC range (20%?40%). We expect this study to provide new insights into the early effects of warming- and topography-induced SWC variations on the microbial contribution to CO2 emissions via HS decomposition in northern-latitude tundra soil.-
dc.titleMicrobial metabolic responses and CO2 emissions differentiated by soil water content variation in subarctic tundra soils-
dc.title.alternative아북극권 툰드라 토양수분 변화에 따른 미생물 분해대사률과 이산화탄소 방출량 변화-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationKim, Dockyu, et al. 2022. "Microbial metabolic responses and CO2 emissions differentiated by soil water content variation in subarctic tundra soils". <em>JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY</em>, 60(12): 1130-1138.-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2020:52.941-
dc.subject.keywordArctic tundra soil-
dc.subject.keywordCO2 emission-
dc.subject.keywordglobal warming-
dc.subject.keywordmicrobial decomposition-
dc.subject.keywordsoil organic matter-
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