Longitudinal frequency variation of long-lasting EMIC Pc1-Pc2 waves localized in the inner magnetosphere
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Longitudinal frequency variation of long-lasting EMIC Pc1-Pc2 waves localized in the inner magnetosphere
Kim, Khan-Hyuk
Shiokawa, Kazuo
Mann, I. R.
Park, Jong-Sun
Kwan, Hyuckjin
Hyun, Ki ho
Jin, Ho
Connors, M.
EMIC waves; PC1 waves; Plasmapause
Issue Date
Kim, Khan-Hyuk, et al. 2016. "Longitudinal frequency variation of long-lasting EMIC Pc1-Pc2 waves localized in the inner magnetosphere". Geophysical Research Letters, 43(3): 1039-1046.
Long-lasting (> 20 h) electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) Pc1-Pc2 waves were observed by the Athabasca (L=∼4.6) induction magnetometer and Canadian Array for Realtime Investigations of
Magnetic Activity (L=∼4-6) fluxgate magnetometers on 5 April 2007. These waves showed a systematic frequency change with local time, the minimum frequency near dusk, and the maximum frequency near
dawn. Assuming the plasmapause as a potential source region of the waves, we estimated the plasmapause location from localized proton enhancement (LPE) events observed at NOAA-Polar Orbiting Environmental
Satellites and METOP-2 satellites. We found that the longitudinal frequency variation of EMIC waves has a clear correlation with the estimated plasmapause location and that the waves are in the frequency band
between the equatorial helium and oxygen gyrofrequencies at the estimated plasmapause. With our analysis results we suggest that the LPE events are caused by wave-particle interaction with the helium
band EMIC waves generated near the plasmapause.
- Appears in Collections
- 2015-2016, Study of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere Coupling Through 4-Dimensional Observations for The Northern Polar Atmosphere: Polar Upper Atmospheric and Space Environmental Changes (15-16) / Jee; Geonhwa (PE15090; PE16090)
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