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Report of the Intersessional Contact Group on Inspections in Antarctica under Article VII of the Antarctic Treaty and Article 14 of the Environmental Protocol

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dc.contributor.authorRep. of Korea-
dc.description.abstractATCM XXXIX agreed to establish an ICG to consider the practice of conducting inspections under Article VII of the Antarctic Treaty and Article 14 of the Environmental Protocol. Based on a number of questions, the ICG discussed the practice of inspections and explored options to enhance the effective organisation of inspections, including the promotion of cooperation in conducting inspections, as appropriate. This Working Paper contains the questions that constituted the basis of the ICG's discussions, summarises the views expressed by the participants and provides a number of recommendations to Working Group 2 at ATCM XL.en_US
dc.publisherATCM XLen_US
dc.titleReport of the Intersessional Contact Group on Inspections in Antarctica under Article VII of the Antarctic Treaty and Article 14 of the Environmental Protocolen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationRep. of Korea. 2017. Report of the Intersessional Contact Group on Inspections in Antarctica under Article VII of the Antarctic Treaty and Article 14 of the Environmental Protocol. ATCM XL CEP XX/WP 40. ATCM XL.Beijing, China. 2017.-
dc.citation.conferenceNameATCM XL CEP XXen_US
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