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Possible origin of coastal sands and their long-term distribution along the high slope-gradient, wave-dominated eastern coast, Korea

Cited 6 time in wos
Cited 5 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorHee Jun Lee-
dc.contributor.authorChanhong Park-
dc.contributor.authorChang Woong Shin-
dc.contributor.authorHa, Ho Kyung-
dc.contributor.authorJeseon Yoo-
dc.contributor.authorEui Young Jeong-
dc.contributor.authorSang Hoon Lee-
dc.contributor.authorJun-Yong Park-
dc.coverage.spatialEast Sea-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to investigate possible source and distributional patterns of coastal sands in the high slope-gradient, wave-dominated coast with no large rivers, eastern Korea. Chirp (2? 7 kHz) seismic profiles show that the coastal sand deposits, the uppermost transparent layer, are up to 7.1 m thick off small, mountainous stream mouths, and thins laterally, showing a radial distribution from the stream mouths with a slightly SE-skewed elongated (i.e., alongshore) geometry. This suggests that the terrigenous coarse sediments emptied by the streams during the summer flash flooding season have been a major source to the adjacent coastal sands. Hydrodynamic measurements with benthic tripod systems indicate that alongshore currents occurring during episodic storms play a significant role in the displacement of the coastal sands toward the southeast, resulting in the slightly SE-skewed elongated (i.e., alongshore) distributional geometry of the sands.al sand deposits, the uppermost transparent layer, are up to 7.1 m thick off small, mountainous stream mouths, and thins laterally, showing a radial distribution from the stream mouths with a slightly SE-skewed elongated (i.e., alongshore) geometry. This suggests that the terrigenous coarse sediments emptied by the streams during the summer flash flooding season have been a major source to the adjacent coastal sands. Hydrodynamic measurements with benthic tripod systems indicate that alongshore currents occurring during episodic storms play a significant role in the displacement of the coastal sands toward the southeast, resulting in the slightly SE-skewed elongated (i.e., alongshore) distributional geometry of the sands.-
dc.titlePossible origin of coastal sands and their long-term distribution along the high slope-gradient, wave-dominated eastern coast, Korea-
dc.title.alternative파랑우세 동해안에서의 연안모래의 기원 및 분포-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationHee Jun Lee, et al. 2013. "Possible origin of coastal sands and their long-term distribution along the high slope-gradient, wave-dominated eastern coast, Korea". <em>GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL</em>, 17: 163-172.-
dc.citation.titleGEOSCIENCES JOURNAL-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2011:78.82-
dc.subject.keywordEast Sea-
dc.subject.keywordcoastal sand-
dc.subject.keywordsediment transport-
Appears in Collections  
2010-2011, Acoustic and Optical Responses to Suspended Material in the Polar Oceans (10-11) / Ha, Ho Kyung (PE10260)
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