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Paleoenvironmental research of the Antarctic Core Sediment from the Antarctic Polar Front in Drake Passage, based on Diatom assemblage

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Jong-Deock-
dc.contributor.authorBak, Young-Suk-
dc.contributor.authorYUN, HYE SU-
dc.contributor.authorYoon, Ho Il-
dc.description.abstract56 diatom species belonging to 21 genera were identified from the core DP00-02, drilled in Drake Passage. Actinocyclus actinochilus, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, Thalassiosira rentiginosa and Thalassiothrix longissima are the dominant species (56% of the total assemblage) in DP00-02 core sediments. The abundance pattern of diatom assemblages and paleoindicator species at the horizon of 144 ㎝ suggests the position of Antarctic Polar Front migrated to the south of the modern site. Above this horizon, we believe that there is little effect by the sea-ice even in the glacial periods. The presence of neritic species (Stephanopyxis spp, Odontella weisflogii and Cocconeis costata) and reworked species (Dentculopsis hustedtii, D. dimorpha, Fragilariopsis aurica and Thalassiosira striata) due to strong current activity, i.e. Circumpolar Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Current.-
dc.titlePaleoenvironmental research of the Antarctic Core Sediment from the Antarctic Polar Front in Drake Passage, based on Diatom assemblage-
dc.title.alternative남극 드레이크 해협 극전선 부근 시추 퇴적물(DP00-02)에서 규조 화석을 이용한 고환경 연구-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationLee, Jong-Deock, et al. 2003. "Paleoenvironmental research of the Antarctic Core Sediment from the Antarctic Polar Front in Drake Passage, based on Diatom assemblage". <em>The Geological Society Of Korea</em>, 39(3): 337-346.-
dc.citation.titleThe Geological Society Of Korea-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2001:0-
dc.subject.keywordcore sediments-
dc.subject.keywordAntarctic Polar Front-
dc.subject.keyworddiatom assemblages-
dc.subject.keywordCircumpolar Deep Water-
dc.subject.keywordAntarctic bottom current-
Appears in Collections  
2003-2004, 북동아시아 지역에서의 지구환경변화 기술 개발 (03-04) / Yoon, Ho Il (PN50600)
2003-2006, 극지 지구온난화 원인규명 기술 개발 (03-06) / Yoon, Ho Il (PN50800)
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