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Sedimentary Facies and Evolution of the Cretaceous Deep-sea Channel System in Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile

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dc.contributor.authorSOHN, YOUNGKWAN-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Yeadong-
dc.contributor.authorCheo, Moon Young-
dc.contributor.authorJo, Hyung Rae-
dc.description.abstractThe Lago Sofia Conglomerate encased in the 2 km thick hemipelagic mudstones and thin-bedded turbidites of the Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, southern Chile, is a deposit of a gigantic submarine channel developed along a foredeep trough. It is hundreds of meters thick, kilometers wide, and extends for more than 120 km from north to south, representing one of the largest ancient submarine channels in the world. The channel deposits consist of four major facies, including stratified conglomerates (Facies A), massive or graded conglomerates (Facies B), normally graded conglomerates with intraformational megaclasts (Facies C), and thick-bedded massive sandstones (Facies D). Conglomerates of Facies A and B show laterally inclined stratification, foreset stratification, and hollow-fill structures, reminiscent of terrestrial fluvial deposits and are suggestive of highly competent gravelly turbidity currents. Facies C conglomerates are interpreted as deposits of composite or multiphase debris flows associated with preceding hyperconcentrated flows. Facies D sandstones indicate rapidly dissipating, sand-rich turbidity currents. The Lago Sofia Conglomerate occurs as isolated channel-fill bodies in the northern part of the study area, generally less than 100 m thick, composed mainly of Facies C conglomerates and intercalated between much thicker fine-grained deposits. Paleocurrent data indicate sediment transport to the east and southeast. They are interpreted to represent tributaries of a larger submarine channel system, which joined to form a trunk channel to the south. The conglomerate in the southern part is more than 300 m thick, composed of subequal proportions of Facies A, B, and C conglomerates, and overlain by hundreds of m-thick turbidite sandstones (Facies D) with scarce intervening fine-grained deposits. It is interpreted as vertically stacked and interconnected channel bodies formed by a trunk channel confined along the axis of the foredeep trough. The channel-
dc.titleSedimentary Facies and Evolution of the Cretaceous Deep-sea Channel System in Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile-
dc.title.alternative마젤란 분지의 백악기 심해저 하도 퇴적계의 퇴적상 및 진화-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationSOHN, YOUNGKWAN, et al. 2004. "Sedimentary Facies and Evolution of the Cretaceous Deep-sea Channel System in Magallanes Basin, Southern Chile". <em>Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology</em>, 26(3): 385-400.-
dc.citation.titleKorea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2002:0-
dc.subject.keywordsedimentary facies-
dc.subject.keyworddeep-sea channel system-
dc.subject.keywordarchitectural element-
dc.subject.keywordLago Sofia Conglomerate-
dc.subject.keyworddebris flow-
Appears in Collections  
2004-2005, Tectonic evolution and geological environment of Antarctica (04-05) / Jin, Young Keun (PP04103)
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