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Characterizing lipid biomarkers in methanotrophic communities of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the Sea of Okhotsk

Cited 9 time in wos
Cited 10 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorChung, Kyung Ho-
dc.contributor.authorJin, Young Keun-
dc.contributor.authorYang, Jin-Yong-
dc.contributor.authorShin, Kyung-Hoon-
dc.coverage.spatialSea Pacific Ocean-
dc.coverage.spatialSea of Okhotsk-
dc.description.abstractWe studied specific lipid biomarkers of archaea and bacteria, that are associated with the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in a cold seep environment as well as the origin of sedimentary organic matter on the continental slope off NE Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk. The organic geochemical parameters demonstrated that most of the sedimentary organic matter containing hydrate layers could be derived from marine phytoplankton and bacteria, except for a station (LV39-29H) which was remarkably affected by terrestrial vascular plant. Specific methanotrophic archaea biomarkers was vertically detected in hydrate-bearing cores (LV39-40H), coinciding with the negative excursion of the d13Corg at core depths of 90e100 cm below the seafloor. These results suggest that methane provided from gas hydrates are already available substrates for microbes thriving in this sediment depth. In addition, the stable isotope mass balance method revealed that approximately 2.77e3.41% of the total organic carbon (or 0.036e0.044% dry weight sediment) was generated by the activity of the AOM consortium in the corresponding depth of core LV39-40H. On the other hand, the heavier d13C values of archaeol in the gas hydrate stability zone may allow ongoing methanogenesis in deeper sediment depth.NE Sakhalin in the Sea of Okhotsk. The organic geochemical parameters demonstrated that most of the sedimentary organic matter containing hydrate layers could be derived from marine phytoplankton and bacteria, except for a station (LV39-29H) which was remarkably affected by terrestrial vascular plant. Specific methanotrophic archaea biomarkers was vertically detected in hydrate-bearing cores (LV39-40H), coinciding with the negative excursion of the d13Corg at core depths of 90e100 cm below the seafloor. These results suggest that methane provided from gas hydrates are already available substrates for microbes thriving in this sediment depth. In addition, the st-
dc.titleCharacterizing lipid biomarkers in methanotrophic communities of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the Sea of Okhotsk-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationChung, Kyung Ho, et al. 2011. "Characterizing lipid biomarkers in methanotrophic communities of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the Sea of Okhotsk". <em>Marine and Petroleum Geology</em>, 28(10): 1884-1898.-
dc.citation.titleMarine and Petroleum Geology-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2009:33.5483870967742-
dc.subject.keywordAnaerobic oxidation of methane-
dc.subject.keywordGas hydrate-
dc.subject.keywordLipid biomarker-
dc.subject.keywordStable isotope ratio-
Appears in Collections  
2004-2011, Oceanographic Research on the Arctic Sea (04-11) / Chung, Kyung Ho; Lee, Sang Heon (PM27800, PM05010, PM07020, PM10040, PM06020, PM08030, PM09020, PM11050)
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