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He-Ar-H-O isotopic signatures in Au\Ag bearing ore fluids of the Sunshin epithermalgold-silver ore deposits, South Korea

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Cited 10 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorK.H. Kikm-
dc.contributor.authorK. Nagao-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jong Ik-
dc.contributor.authorK. Yang-
dc.contributor.authorH. Sumino-
dc.contributor.authorS. Lee-
dc.description.abstractHelium (3He/4He), argon (40Ar/36Ar) and oxygen (18O/16O) isotopic ratios in fluid inclusions trapped in quartz and pyrite from the Sunshin epithermal gold-silver ore deposits in South Korea were analyzed to investigate the magmatic contribution to ore forming fluids. Mantle helium with high 3He/4He ratios (up to 3He/4He~9RA, where RA=1.4×10?6 for air) were identified from fluid inclusions in auriferous quartz veins, which are characterized as low sulfidation (adularia-sericite) type. The ratios provide direct evidence of links between low sulfidation ore fluids in epithermal gold deposits and magma from a mantle source. Interestingly, the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the ore fluids (δ18O=?1.9 to ?6.6‰, δD=?82 to?100‰), calculated from ore quartz, indicate that meteoric waters were predominant during precipitation of the Au\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Ag ore. Microthermometric measurements for fluid inclusions indicate relatively low temperatures (≤300 °C) for the formation of the low sulfidation epithermal ore deposits.ribution to ore forming fluids. Mantle helium with high 3He/4He ratios (up to 3He/4He~9RA, where RA=1.4×10?6 for air) were identified from fluid inclusions in auriferous quartz veins, which are characterized as low sulfidation (adularia-sericite) type. The ratios provide direct evidence of links between low sulfidation ore fluids in epithermal gold deposits and magma from a mantle source. Interestingly, the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the ore fluids (δ18O=?1.9 to ?6.6‰, δD=?82 to?100‰), calculated from ore quartz, indicate that meteoric waters were predominant during precipitation of the Au\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Ag ore. Microthermometric measurements for fluid inclusions indicate relatively low temperatures(≤300 °C) for the formation of the low sulfidation epithermal ore deposits.-
dc.subjectGeochemistry & Geophysics-
dc.titleHe-Ar-H-O isotopic signatures in Au\Ag bearing ore fluids of the Sunshin epithermalgold-silver ore deposits, South Korea-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationK.H. Kikm, et al. 2012. "He-Ar-H-O isotopic signatures in Au\Ag bearing ore fluids of the Sunshin epithermalgold-silver ore deposits, South Korea". <em>Chemical Geology</em>, 320-321(0): 128-139.-
dc.citation.titleChemical Geology-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2010:7.792207792207792-
dc.subject.keywordEpithermal gold-silver ore dep-
dc.subject.keywordSunshin gold-silver deposits-
dc.subject.keywordfluid inclusions-
dc.subject.keywordmantle helium-
dc.subject.keywordoxygen isotopes-
Appears in Collections  
2012-2013, Korea Curation of Antarctic Meteorites and Evolution of Planetary Materials (12-13) / Lee, Jong Ik (PE13060, PE12060)
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