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Seasonal variation of wave activities near the mesopause region observed at King Sejong Station (62.22°S, 58.78°W), Antarctica

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Changsup-
dc.contributor.authorDong L. Wu-
dc.contributor.authorYoung-In Won-
dc.contributor.authorJee, Geonhwa-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Jeong-Han-
dc.contributor.authorYong Ha Kim-
dc.description.abstractWe analyzed the neutral wind data at altitudes of 80 ? 100 km obtained from a VHF meteor radar at King Sejong Station (KSS, 62.22°S, 58.78°W), a key location to study wave activities above the stratospheric vortex near the Antarctic Peninsula. The seasonal behavior of the semidiurnal tides is generally consistent with the prediction of Global Scale Wave Model (GSWM02) except in the altitude region above ~96 km. Gravity wave (GW) activities inferred from the neutral wind variances show a seasonal variation very similar to the semidiurnal tide amplitudes, suggesting a strong interaction between gravity waves and the tide. Despite the consistent seasonal variations of the GW wind variances observed at the adjacent Rothera station, the magnitudes of the wind variance obtained at KSS are much larger than those at Rothera, especially during May-September. The enhanced GW activity at KSS is also observed by Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) from space in its temperature variance. The observed large wind variances at KSS imply that the Antarctic vortex in the stratosphere may act as an effective filter and source for the GWs in the upper atmosphere. Peninsula. The seasonal behavior of the semidiurnal tides is generally consistent with the prediction of Global Scale Wave Model (GSWM02) except in the altitude region above ~96 km. Gravity wave (GW) activities inferred from the neutral wind variances show a seasonal variation very similar to the semidiurnal tide amplitudes, suggesting a strong interaction between gravity waves and the tide. Despite the consistent seasonal variations of the GW wind variances observed at the adjacent Rothera station, the magnitudes of the wind variance obtained at KSS are much larger than those at Rothera, especially during May-September. The enhanced GW activity at KSS is also observed by Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) from space in its temperature variance. The observed large wind variances at KSS imply that the Antarctic vortex in the stratosphere may act as an effective filter and source for the GWs in the upper atmosphere.-
dc.subjectGeochemistry & Geophysics-
dc.subjectMeteorology & Atmospheric Sciences-
dc.titleSeasonal variation of wave activities near the mesopause region observed at King Sejong Station (62.22°S, 58.78°W), Antarctica-
dc.title.alternative남극세종기지에서 관측한 중간권계면 부근 대기 파동 활동의 계절적 변화-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationLee, Changsup, et al. 2013. "Seasonal variation of wave activities near the mesopause region observed at King Sejong Station (62.22°S, 58.78°W), Antarctica". <em>Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics</em>, 105(0): 30-38.-
dc.citation.titleJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2011:50-
dc.subject.keywordAntarctic vortex-
dc.subject.keywordGravity wave-
dc.subject.keywordMeteor radar-
dc.subject.keywordNeutral winds-
Appears in Collections  
2012-2013, Reconstruction and Observation of Components for the Southern and Northern Annular Mode to Investigate the Cause of Polar Climate Change (12-13) / Kim, Seong-Joong (PE12010; PE13010)
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