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Spatial characteristics of ecosystem respiration in three tundra ecosystems of Alaska

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dc.contributor.authorKim Yongwon-
dc.contributor.authorKushida Keiji-
dc.contributor.authorSuzuki Rikie-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Bang Yong-
dc.description.abstractEcosystem respiration (ER) is a significant source within the carbon budget of tundra 3 themselves vulnerable to permafrost degradation, expansion of shrub extent, and shortening of 4 the snow-covered period in response to a changing Arctic climate. Here, we report on our 5 assessment of the spatial characteristics of ecosystem respiration, using a manual chamber 6 over three different tundra ecosystems in Alaska. Short growing-season ERs were 648, 653, and 653 mg C m2 for normalized air temperature (AT) and 668, 564, and 587 mg C m2 7 for in-situ 8 temperature (ST) at sites in Council, the upland tundra of the North Slope, and within the Arctic 9 National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), respectively, corresponding to 63, 74, and 65 % (AT), and 10 64, 56, and 71 % (ST) of annual ecosystem respiration at each tundra site. Hence, soil 11 at a depth of 5 cm was an important driver in modulating the respiration over tundra, suggesting 12 soil temperature elucidates > 80 % of air temperature. At the Council site, a total of 81 sampling 13 points for each month are required for the manual chamber system to attain an experimentally 14 spatial representativeness for respiration falling within ±10 % of the full sample mean, with a 15 95 % confidence level. At the North Slope and ANWR sites, the number of sampling points for 16 each species during each month was chosen to yield results within at least ±20 %, with a 90 % 17 confidence level. Further, the respiration measuring frequency for each species must increase to 18 also satisfy at least this ±20 % and 90 % confidence level. These findings suggest that the use of 19 larger volume manual chamber and/or measurement frequency at 50 or more points can 20 logistical constraints and subsequently determine representatively mean ecosystem respiration at 21 each tundra site. Page 2 of 24-
dc.subjectEnvironmental Sciences & Ecology-
dc.titleSpatial characteristics of ecosystem respiration in three tundra ecosystems of Alaska-
dc.title.alternative알래스카의 툰드라 생태계에서의 공간적 특성-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationKim Yongwon, et al. 2016. "Spatial characteristics of ecosystem respiration in three tundra ecosystems of Alaska". <em>POLAR SCIENCE</em>, 10(3): 356-363.-
dc.citation.titlePOLAR SCIENCE-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2014:79.428-
dc.subject.keywordEcosystem respiration-
dc.subject.keywordSpatial characteristics-
Appears in Collections  
2011-2016, Establishment of Multidisciplinary Environmental Change Observation Network and its Technical Development in the Arctic Permafrost region (11-16) / Lee, Bang Yong (PN11061, PN12061, PN13081, PN14081, PN15081)
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