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Holocene and Eemian climatic optima in the Korean Peninsula based on textura land carbon isotopic records from the stalagmite of the Daeya Cave, South Korea

Cited 29 time in wos
Cited 26 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorJo, Kyoung-nam-
dc.contributor.authorEdwards R.L.-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jae Il-
dc.contributor.authorJiang X.-
dc.contributor.authorWoo, K. S.-
dc.contributor.authorYoo, Kyu-Cheul-
dc.contributor.authorYoon, Ho Il-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Ryeon-
dc.contributor.authorWang Y.-
dc.contributor.authorHai Cheng-
dc.contributor.authorLim, Hyoun Soo-
dc.description.abstractTextural and stable isotopic records from the absolute-dated stalagmite of the Daeya Cave (DY-1) provide new insights into the climatic evolution of the Korean Peninsula during the Holocene and Eemian climatic optima. The stalagmite yielded ages of 8572 ± 227 to 5907 ± 158 and 1,23,456 ± 535 to 1,19,837 ± 1089 years, which coincide with the Holocene and Eemian climatic optima, respectively. The stalagmite's δ13C record closely resembles previously reported Chinese speleothem δ18O data. Thus it can be suggested that textural and geochemical results of the DY-1 reflect East Asian monsoon intensity, which is forced by summer insolation patterns in the northern hemisphere. Lighter carbon isotopic compositions, well-developed fibrous calcite crystals, and their relatively faster growth rate in the stalagmite sample are interpreted to reflect the warmest and wettest climate conditions of the Holocene and Eemian interglacials. Both climatic optima took place when insolation was decreasing from its maximum level, temperature in Greenland was highest, and sea level approached its maximum level. These climatic optima also coincide with decreasing Antarctic temperatures. Compared the DY-1 data to other proxies, it is suggested that the Holocene and Eemian climatic optima developed through a balance among boreal insolation, monsoon intensity, and sea level (also continental ice volume), which are the main climatic forcing factors in the northern hemisphere. These trends also follow the bi-polar seesaw mechanism as previously described.-
dc.subjectPhysical Geography-
dc.titleHolocene and Eemian climatic optima in the Korean Peninsula based on textura land carbon isotopic records from the stalagmite of the Daeya Cave, South Korea-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationJo, Kyoung-nam, et al. 2011. "Holocene and Eemian climatic optima in the Korean Peninsula based on textura land carbon isotopic records from the stalagmite of the Daeya Cave, South Korea". <em>Quaternary Science Reviews</em>, 30(9-10): 1218-1231.-
dc.citation.titleQuaternary Science Reviews-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2009:3.870967741935484-
dc.subject.keywordEast Asian monsoon-
dc.subject.keywordclimatic optimum-
dc.subject.keywordstable isotope-
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2010-2013, Monitoring of abrupt environmental change in the ice shelf system and reconstruction of Quaternary deglaciation history in West Antarctica (10-13) / Yoon, Ho Il (PP10060, PP10080, PP11010, PP12020, PP13010)
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