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The Origin of Double-Frequency Microseism and Its Seasonal Variability at King Sejong Station, Antarctica

Cited 5 time in wos
Cited 5 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Won Sang-
dc.contributor.authorSeo, Ki-Weon-
dc.contributor.authorYun, Sukyoung-
dc.contributor.authorDong-Hoon Sheen-
dc.coverage.spatialKing Sejong Station-
dc.description.abstractKorea Polar Research Institute has been operating a broadband seismic station (KSJ1) at the King George Island (KGI), Antarctica, since 2001. Examining ambient seismic noise level using power spectral analysis for the period of 2006-2008 at the KSJ1, we observed a seasonal pattern at 4-10 s period. The amplitude of double-frequency (DF) microseism reaches a peak in May. Correlation of the DF energy and its predominant period with significant ocean wave height and peak wave period models from the WAVEWATCH III, and polarization analysis consistently indicate that ocean swell in the Drake Passage is a possible source to excite the DF microseism at the KGI. We also found that the temporal variation of DF amplitude is coincident with the seasonal change of ocean acoustic ambient noise level around the KGI, which implies that incorporating long-term seismic and hydroacoustic noise information might give us an opportunity to figure out the characteristics of local climate variation near the Antarctic Peninsula.-
dc.publisherSeismological Society of America-
dc.subjectGeochemistry & Geophysics-
dc.titleThe Origin of Double-Frequency Microseism and Its Seasonal Variability at King Sejong Station, Antarctica-
dc.title.alternative세종기지 인근에서의 상시 미세소음 위치결정 및 계절적 변화-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationLee, Won Sang, et al. 2011. "The Origin of Double-Frequency Microseism and Its Seasonal Variability at King Sejong Station, Antarctica". <em>Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America</em>, 101(3): 1446-1451.-
dc.citation.titleBulletin of the Seismological Society of America-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2009:30.666666666666664-
dc.subject.keywordDouble-Frequency Microseism-
dc.subject.keywordKing Sejong Station-
dc.subject.keywordSeasonal Variability-
Appears in Collections  
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