A new melobesioid alga Synarthrophyton chejuensis sp nov (Corallinales, Rhodophyta), including comparison with Mesophyllum cystocarpideum
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A new melobesioid alga Synarthrophyton chejuensis sp nov (Corallinales, Rhodophyta), including comparison with Mesophyllum cystocarpideum
Other Titles
한국산 무절산호조류 신종 Synarthrophyton chejuensis의 기재 및 Mesophyllum cystocarpideum과의 비교
Kim, Ji Hee
Lee, InKyu
Chung, Hosung
Choi, Do Sung
Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Geology; Oceanography
Corallinales; Korean; New species; Rhodophyta; Synarthrophyton chejuensis
Issue Date
Kim, Ji Hee, et al. 2004. "A new melobesioid alga Synarthrophyton chejuensis sp nov (Corallinales, Rhodophyta), including comparison with Mesophyllum cystocarpideum". Phycologia, 43(5): 501-520.
Synarthrophyton chejuensis (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) is newly described from Korea and represents the first northern hemisphere species of that genus. It differs from other known species of Synarthrophyton in having the following combination of features: it has thalli that are thin, foliose, discoid, more or less proliferously lobate, and lamellate with numerous horizontally to vertically oriented layers of branches. The thalli are partially attached to the substrate. Mature tetra- or bisporangial conceptacles have flat or moundlike pore plates, and usually two or more conceptacles are joined. The pore plates are composed of filaments of four or five cells along with an epithallial cell. The pore canal is lined by filaments with cells similar in size and shape to the cells of other filaments making up the pore plate. Korean plants belonging to S. chejuensis previously had been misidentified as Lithothamnion cystocarpideum or Mesophyllum cystocarpideum, but a reexamination of the type of M. cystocarpideum has shown that it is specifically distinct from S. chejuensis. A detailed morphological and anatomical account of S. chejuensis is provided, and the value of several characters used to distinguish species within Synarthrophyton is discussed.
- Appears in Collections
- 2003-2005, 홍조식물 산호말목 계통지리 (03-05) / Kim, Ji Hee (PN52000, PN04006)
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