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Complete mitochondrial genome of the Antarctic amphipod Gondogeneia antarctica (Crustacea, amphipod)

Cited 13 time in wos
Cited 13 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorCho, Jin-
dc.contributor.authorAhn, Do Hwan-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jong Kyu-
dc.contributor.authorShin, Seung Chul-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Hyun-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Hyoungseok-
dc.description.abstractThe complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the Antarctic amphipod Gondogeneia antarctica was determined to be 18,424 bp in length, and to contain 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, and large (rrnL) and small (rrnS) rRNA genes. Its total A+T content is 70.1%. The G. antarctica mitogenome is the largest known among those of crustaceans, due to the existence of two relatively large intergenic non-coding sequences. The protein-coding gene arrangement of G. antarctica is identical to that of the ancestral pancrustacean ground pattern, although the tRNA arrangement differs somewhat. The complete mitogenome sequences of 68 species of pancrustacea have been added to the NCBI database, only four of which represent complete mitogenome sequences from amphipods. This is the first report of a mitogenome sequence of an Antarctic amphipod, and provides insights into the evolution of crustacean mitochondrial genomes, particularly in amphipods. rRNA genes. Its total A+T content is 70.1%. The G. antarctica mitogenome is the largest known among those of crustaceans, due to the existence of two relatively large intergenic non-coding sequences. The protein-coding gene arrangement of G. antarctica is identical to that of the ancestral pancrustacean ground pattern, although the tRNA arrangement differs somewhat. The complete mitogenome sequences of 68 species of pancrustacea have been added to the NCBI database, only four of which represent complete mitogenome sequences from amphipods. This is the first report of a mitogenome sequence of an Antarctic amphipod, and provides insights into the evolution of crustacean mitochondrial genomes, particularly in amphipods.-
dc.subjectGenetics & Heredity-
dc.titleComplete mitochondrial genome of the Antarctic amphipod Gondogeneia antarctica (Crustacea, amphipod)-
dc.title.alternative남극 amphipod의 mitochondrial genome 분석-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationCho, Jin, et al. 2012. "Complete mitochondrial genome of the Antarctic amphipod Gondogeneia antarctica (Crustacea, amphipod)". <em>Mitochondrial DNA</em>, 23(1): 25-27.-
dc.citation.titleMitochondrial DNA-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2010:82.05128205128204-
dc.subject.keywordGondogeneia antarctica-
dc.subject.keywordcomplete mitochondrial genome-
Appears in Collections  
2011-2013, Functional genomics on polar organisms (11-13) / Park, Hyun (PE11020, PE12020, PE13020)
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