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Shallow Crustal Structure of the Bransfield Basin Using an Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone

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dc.contributor.authorPark, Minkyu-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Ju-Han-
dc.contributor.authorHong, Jong Kuk-
dc.coverage.spatialBransfield Basin-
dc.description.abstractWe investigated subsurface structures of the Bransfield Basin, the Antarctic with AUH (Autonomous Underwater Hydrophne) which was designed to record abyssal T-waves generated from submarine earthquakes. The data obtained from a multi-channel seismic survey and an AUH were used for this study. A seismic reflection method was applied to the multi-channel seismic survey data in order to identify bathymetry and sedimentary structures, and the signals recorded in the AUH were used to obtain deep structures as we applied a seismic refraction method. Even though we couldn't investigate deeper and detailed structure in study area because of lack of Airgun's capacity, the AUH showed possibilities for being used for a marine seismic survey. From this experiment, we decided the upper and lower sediment layer velocities, detected irregular basement topography probably caused by submarine volcanic/magmatic activities, and retrieved the velocity of the basement and the depth of the sediment layer/basement boundary.-
dc.subjectEnvironmental Sciences & Ecology-
dc.titleShallow Crustal Structure of the Bransfield Basin Using an Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone-
dc.title.alternativeAUH를 이용한 남극 브랜스필드 분지의 천부 구조-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationPark, Minkyu, et al. 2006. "Shallow Crustal Structure of the Bransfield Basin Using an Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone". <em>Korean Geophysical Society</em>, 9(4): 351-359.-
dc.citation.titleKorean Geophysical Society-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2004:0-
dc.subject.keywordAUH(Autonomous Underwater Hydrophone)-
dc.subject.keywordAbyssal T-wave-
dc.subject.keywordsubmarine earthquake-
dc.subject.keywordsediment layer-
dc.subject.keywordcrustal structure-
dc.subject.keywordBransfield Basin-
Appears in Collections  
2006-2010, Constructing Polar Monitoring-Network System: Studies on Characteristics of Submarine Active Tectonic Processes and Marine Environmental Changes (06-10) / Park, Minkyu (PP10020, PP09020, PP07020, PP06020, PP08020)
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