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Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes of Sinking Particles in the Eastern Bransfield Strait (Antarctica)

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dc.contributor.authorShin, Hyoung Chul-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Dongseon-
dc.contributor.authorKeun, Khim Boo-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Dong Yup-
dc.coverage.spatialBransfield Strait-
dc.description.abstractA time-series sediment trap was deployed at 1,034m water depth in the eastern Bransfield Strait for a complete year from December 25, 1998 to December 24, 1999. About 99% of total mass flux was trapped during an austral summer, showing distinct seasonal variation. Biogenic particles (biogenicopal, particulate organic carbon, and calcium carbonate) account for about two thirds of annual total mass flux (49.2 g m?2), among which biogenic opal flux is the most dominant (42% of the total flux). A positive relationship (except January) between biogenic opal and total organic carbon fluxes suggests that these two variables were coupled, due to the surface-water production (mainly diatoms). The relatively low δ13C values of settling particles result from effects on C-fixation processes at low temperature and the high CO2 availability to phytoplankton. The correspondingly low δ15N values are due to intense and steady input of nitrates into surface waters, reflecting an unlikely nitrate isotope fractionation by degree of surface-water production. The δ15N and δ13C values of sinking particles increased from the beginning to the end of a presumed phytoplankton bloom, except for anomalous δ15N values. Krill and the zooplankton fecal pellets, the most important carriers of sinking particles, may have contributed gradually to the increasing δ13C values towards the unproductive period through the biomodification of the δ13C values in the food web, respiring preferentially and selectively 12C atoms. Correspondingly, the increasing δ15N values in the intermediate-water trap are likely associated with a switch in source from diatom aggregates to some remains of zooplankton, because organic matter dominated by diatom may be more liable and prone to remineralization, leading to greater isotopic alteration. In particular, the tendency for abnormally high δ15N values in February seems to be enigmatic. A specific species dominancy during the production may be suggested-
dc.titleStable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes of Sinking Particles in the Eastern Bransfield Strait (Antarctica)-
dc.title.alternative남극 브랜스필드해협에서 퇴적물 트랩으로 포집한 침강입자의 탄소와 질소 동위원소-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationShin, Hyoung Chul, et al. 2005. "Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes of Sinking Particles in the Eastern Bransfield Strait (Antarctica)". <em>Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology</em>, 40(3): 167-176.-
dc.citation.titleKorea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2003:0-
dc.subject.keywordsinking particles-
dc.subject.keywordnitrogen isotope-
dc.subject.keywordcarbon isotope-
dc.subject.keywordsediment trap-
dc.subject.keywordBransfield Strait-
Appears in Collections  
2004-2005, 시계열 퇴적물트랩을 이용한 남극해 물질 순환연구 및 남극 미생물 활용 기술 개발 (04-05) / Shin, Hyoung Chul (PP04104, PE05002)
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