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High resolution climate and environmental changes of the northern Japan (East) Sea for the last 40kyr inferred from sedimentary geochemical and pollen data

Cited 14 time in wos
Cited 16 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorNam, Seung-il-
dc.contributor.authorA.A. Bosin-
dc.contributor.authorY. Liu-
dc.contributor.authorX. Shi-
dc.contributor.authorY.V. Rybiakova-
dc.contributor.authorS.A. Gorbarenko-
dc.description.abstractA High-resolution lithological and isotope-geochemical results of a well age constrained sediment core was raised from the northeastern Japan (East) Sea recording 10 dark layers (DL) over the last 40 ka BP. Pollen analysis of the core allows us to reconstruct the history of surrounding landmass vegetation and to determine pronounced vegetation/climate changes. We found that DL 10 correlated with a DO/Chinese interstadial 8 was forced by increased East Asian humidity and influx of the nutrient-rich water into the sea. DL5 formed during cold the Heinrich event 3 (HE), 30-31 ka BP, was most likely to be initiated by the global sea level descent and reduction of seawater exchange with the North Pacific. High resolution of δ18Opf records reflect a unique sensitivity of the Japan (East) Sea to input of the North Pacific water through the shallow Tsushima and Tsugaru Straits. This led us to the important evidence of the eustatic-sea level changes during the last 40 ka BP. Since 29 ka BP, δ18Opf curve shows a continuous descending sea level interrupted by sharp drops of HE 2 at time with a following rise of DO interstadial 2. A sharp δ18Opf increase since 18.6 ka BP is consistent with coral results which indicate abrupt termination of LGM lowstand by a rapid sea level rise initiated at 19.0 ka BP.-
dc.titleHigh resolution climate and environmental changes of the northern Japan (East) Sea for the last 40kyr inferred from sedimentary geochemical and pollen data-
dc.title.alternative동해북부해역 퇴적물에 기록된 지화학 및 화분자료를 이용한 지난 4만년 동안 고해상의 기후 및 환경변화복원-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationNam, Seung-il, et al. 2014. "High resolution climate and environmental changes of the northern Japan (East) Sea for the last 40kyr inferred from sedimentary geochemical and pollen data". <em>PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY</em>, 414(1): 260-272.-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2012:21.511-
dc.subject.keywordMillennial climate changes-
dc.subject.keywordNorthern East Sea-
dc.subject.keywordSea level-
Appears in Collections  
2012-2013, 서북극해 지구온난화 규명을 위한 노스윈드-멘델레프해령 해역의 고해양환경변화 정밀복원연구 (12-13) / Nam, Seung-il (PP12030, PP13030)
2014-2016, Characteristics of gas hydrate and reconstruction of paleo-environment changes in the western Arctic (14-16) / Nam, Seung-Il (PE14062; PE15062; PE16062)
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