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A study on the mesospheric temperature estimation using VHF meteor radar observed at King Sejong Station (62.2S, 58.8W), Antarctica

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dc.contributor.authorKim, Yong Ha-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Jeong-Han-
dc.contributor.authorJee, Geonhwa-
dc.description.abstractA VHF meteor radar has been operated at King Sejong Station (62.2°S, 58.8°W), Antarctica since March 2007 for the observations of the neutral winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region. In addition, the radar observation allows us to estimate the neutral temperature from the measured meteor decay times of the meteor echoes by utilizing Hockings method (Hocking, 1999). For this temperature estimation, the meteor echoes observed from March 2007 to July 2009 were divided, for the first time, into weak and strong echoes depending on the strength of estimated relative electron line densities. The estimated temperatures are then compared the temperature measurements from the spectral airglow temperature imager (SATI) which has also been operated at the same location since 2002. The estimated temperatures from strong echoes were significantly lower than the temperatures estimated from weak echoes by on average about 31 K. As was done in most previous studies, we also derived the temperature by using all echoes without dividing into weak and strong, which produces about 10 K lower than the weak echoes. Among these three estimated temperatures, the one for weak echoes was most similar to the SATI temperature. This result indicates that the strong echoes tend to reduce the estimated temperature and therefore need to be removed in the estimation procedure. We will also present the comparison of the estimated temperature with other measurements, for example, from the TIMED/SABER instrument and the NRLMSISE-00 empirical model results as a further validation.-
dc.titleA study on the mesospheric temperature estimation using VHF meteor radar observed at King Sejong Station (62.2S, 58.8W), Antarctica-
dc.title.alternative남극 세종과학기지 유성레이더로부터 중간권 온도 추정연구-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationKim, Yong Ha, Kim, Jeong-Han, Jee, Geonhwa. 2010. A study on the mesospheric temperature estimation using VHF meteor radar observed at King Sejong Station (62.2S, 58.8W), Antarctica. 한국우주과학회. 한국우주과학회. 2010.10.28~.-
dc.subject.keywordMesospheric temperature-
dc.subject.keywordMeteor radar-
Appears in Collections  
2007-2010, Integrated research on the COMposition of Polar Atmosphere and Climate Change(COMPAC) (07-10) / Lee, Bang Yong (PE07030, PE08030, PE09030, PE10030, PG07012)
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