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Genetic variability and its geographical distribution of Cladonia borealis around the polar region

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dc.contributor.authorHong, Soon Gyu-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Chae Haeng-
dc.contributor.authorJeong, Gajin-
dc.description.abstractThe fruticose lichen Cladonia borealis is found in Europe, Asia, North and South America besides Antarctic and Arctic (cosmopolitan species). In order to investigate genetic variation and geographical distribution of C. borealis from Svalbard (Arctic), King George Islands (Antarctic) and Punta Arenas (Chile), 59 specimens of this species were randomly collected and the sequences of rDNA (ITS&#48835-
dc.description.abstractSU) and RNA polymerase II (RPB2) were determined. Results indicated that they are divided into 2 groups in King George Islands, 3 groups in Svalbard and one group in Punta Arenas. Each subgroup is composed of specimens from each geographical area. The results suggested that this species have evolved with geographical barrier.-
dc.titleGenetic variability and its geographical distribution of Cladonia borealis around the polar region-
dc.title.alternative극지역 주변의 Cladonia borealis의 유전적 가변성과 지리적 분포-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationHong, Soon Gyu, Park, Chae Haeng, Jeong, Gajin. 2010. Genetic variability and its geographical distribution of Cladonia borealis around the polar region. SCAR. SCAR. 2010.08.04~.-
dc.subject.keywordCladonia borealis-
dc.subject.keywordgenetic variation-
dc.subject.keywordgeographical distribution-
Appears in Collections  
2009-2012, Study on evolution of polar lichens based on ecological, biochemical and molecular phylogenetic analyses (09-12) / Hong, Soon Gyu (PE09130, PE10140, PE11200)
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