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Fine-scale analysis of bacterial community structures in a sediment core of the Mendeleev Ridge in the western Arctic Ocean

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dc.contributor.authorHwang, Chung Yeon-
dc.contributor.authorNam, Seung-il-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Yoo Kyung-
dc.contributor.authorJ. Matthiessen-
dc.contributor.authorR. Stein-
dc.contributor.authorHan, Duk Ki-
dc.coverage.spatialArctic Ocean-
dc.coverage.spatialMendeleev Ridge-
dc.description.abstractDetailed sedimentological and organic-geochemical studies of marine sediments in high-latitude areas can yield important information on paleoenvironmental changes during the glacialinterglacial climate cycles. A sediment core (PS72/396-3GKG), taken from the Mendeleev Ridge in the western Arctic Ocean during the Polarstern Arctic expedition (ARK-23/3) in 2008, was investigated to establish a precise chronostratigraphy using multi-proxies for reconstruction of glacial history and paleoenvironmental changes during the late Quaternary. Here, in a parallel study, we made an attempt to find if the change in bacterial communities within a relatively welldated sediment core (spanning ca. 100 ka) could be used a proxy for drastic alterations in sedimentation conditions. Fine-scale distributions of bacterial community were examined using 454 pyrosequencing of the hypervariable regions of V1 to V3 of the 16S rRNA gene in a depth resolution of 1 cm from the surface to 33 cm. In 31 samples showing the success of polymerase chain reaction amplification, 87,015 sequence reads were obtained and clustered 2,532 different operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at the 97 % identity level. Four bacterial phyla including Firmicutes (31-49 %), Proteobacteria (10-39 %), Actinobacteria (20-34 %) and Bacteroidetes (3-7 %) were dominant near the surface (0-3 cm). In most samples below the surface, Firmicutes became a predominant KG), taken from the Mendeleev Ridge in the western Arctic Ocean during the Polarstern Arctic expedition (ARK-23/3) in 2008, was investigated to establish a precise chronostratigraphy using multi-proxies for reconstruction of glacial history and paleoenvironmental changes during the late Quaternary. Here, in a parallel study, we made an attempt to find if the change in bacterial communities within a relatively welldated sediment core (spanning ca. 100 ka) could be used a proxy for drastic alterations in sedimentation conditions. Fine-scale distrib-
dc.titleFine-scale analysis of bacterial community structures in a sediment core of the Mendeleev Ridge in the western Arctic Ocean-
dc.title.alternative서북극해 멘델레프령 해양퇴적물 코어의 연대기별 박테리아 군집구조-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationHwang, Chung Yeon, et al. 2012. Fine-scale analysis of bacterial community structures in a sediment core of the Mendeleev Ridge in the western Arctic Ocean. IPY. IPY. 2012.05.03~.-
dc.subject.keywordArctic Ocean-
dc.subject.keywordMendeleev Ridge-
dc.subject.keywordbacterial community-
dc.subject.keywordpaleoenvironmental changes-
dc.subject.keywordsediment core-
Appears in Collections  
2012-2013, 서북극해 지구온난화 규명을 위한 노스윈드-멘델레프해령 해역의 고해양환경변화 정밀복원연구 (12-13) / Nam, Seung-il (PP12030, PP13030)
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