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Occurrence and distribution of hydroxylated isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (OH-GDGTs) in the Han River system, South Korea

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dc.contributor.authorKang, Sujin-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Jung-Hyun-
dc.contributor.authorKyoung-Hoon Shin-
dc.description.abstractWe investigated the occurrence and distribution of terrestrial-derived hydroxylated isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (OH-GDGTs) in the Han River system and their potential impact on the application of the ring index of OH-GDGTs (RI-OH) as a sea surface temperature (SST) proxy in the eastern Yellow Sea. Thereby, we analyzed various samples collected along the Han River and from its surrounding areas (South Korea, n=36). The OH-GDGTs were found in all samples investigated. OH-GDGT-0 was the dominant OH-GDGT component in the estuary and marine samples while OH-GDGT-2 was dominant in the soils, the lake sediments and the river suspended particulate matter (SPM). Our results suggests a possible warm bias of the RI-OH-derived summer SSTs in the coastal zone to which a large amount of terrestrial organic matter is being supplied. Further studies-
dc.titleOccurrence and distribution of hydroxylated isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (OH-GDGTs) in the Han River system, South Korea-
dc.title.alternative한국 한강유역에서의 OG-GDGTs 검출 및 분포-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationKang, Sujin, Kim, Jung-Hyun, Kyoung-Hoon Shin. 2017. Occurrence and distribution of hydroxylated isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (OH-GDGTs) in the Han River system, South Korea. The 11th international symposium on geochemistry of the earth's surface. Guiyang. 2017.06.11~2017.06.16.-
dc.citation.conferenceNameThe 11th international symposium on geochemistry of the earth's surface-
dc.subject.keywordHan River-
Appears in Collections  
2016-2018, Organic carbon transfer across the river-sea interface: a case study in Geum and Sumjin river systems (16-18) / Kim, Junghyun (PN16100; PN17100)
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