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Metagenomic analysis of surface microlayers in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea

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dc.contributor.authorHwang, Chung Yeon-
dc.contributor.authorKang, Sung-Ho-
dc.contributor.authorRhee, Tae Siek-
dc.contributor.authorJang, Gwangil-
dc.description.abstractSurface microlayer (SML) is generally defined as a thin layer in top few millimeters of surface water in aquatic environments. The ocean SML is covering >70% of the Earth's surface and is important to understand the ocean-atmosphere interactions, such as exchange of green-house gases, production of aerosols and feasibility for remote sensing of physical parameters in oceanography. Previous studies on SML have shown a striking difference in physical, chemical and biological properties between SML and underlying water (UW; a depth of a few ten centimeters to a few meters below SML) in marine environments. SML is also interesting in a microbiological aspect because SML is exposed to strong solar (and UV) irradiation driving selective microbial colonizations and is a source of marine bioaerosols potentially impacting on cloud development, atmospheric chemistry and microbial biogeography. To investigate community structures and potential functions of SML microorganisms, two sets of SML and UW samples were collected from Northwestern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea and subjected to metagenomics analysis using shotgun DNA sequences. In the presentation, some results will be shown and discussed in a respect of microbial selection and adaptation to such a harsh SML environment.-
dc.titleMetagenomic analysis of surface microlayers in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea-
dc.title.alternative북서태평양과 베링해 표층 마이크로층의 메타게놈 분석-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationHwang, Chung Yeon, et al. 2017. Metagenomic analysis of surface microlayers in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. 9th Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology. 부산 벡스코. 2017.04.26~2017.04.28.-
dc.citation.conferenceName9th Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology-
dc.citation.conferencePlace부산 벡스코-
dc.subject.keyword해수면 마이크로층-
Appears in Collections  
2011-2013, Impact of the ocean-atmosphere interactions in the polar and low-latitude oceans to the climate change (11-13) / Rhee, Tae Siek (PG11030, PG12030, PE13410, PE12220, PE12410)
2016-2018, Korea-Arctic Ocean Observing System(K-AOOS) (16-18) / Kang, Sung-Ho (PM16040; PM17040)
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