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Geochemistry of olivine-hosted and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions in basalts from Deception Island

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dc.contributor.authorYang, Yun Seok-
dc.contributor.authorSeo, Jung Hun-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Sung Hyun-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Changkun-
dc.contributor.authorHan, Seunghee-
dc.description.abstractBransfield Strait is located between Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands and also have Back Arc Basin(BAB) and rift. Deception Island is westernmost in Bransfield Strait and previous study is geophysics and geochemistry of whole rocks. Melt inclusions are more informative about primitive magma source and early magma history than whole rocks. Melt inclusions from Deception Island were sampled in olivine and plagioclase from basalts. Most melt inclusions are heterogeneity and thus are necessary homogenization experiment. Homogenization experiment have a problem with oxidizied minerals in high temperature. To prevent this phenomenon, Furnace using Ar gas was heated to high temperature(1250℃) for 1-2 hours and then quenched to succeed homogenization. In comparison of MgO versus SiO2, Al2O3, FeO, and TiO2 in olivine-hosted melt inclusions indicate from early magma evolution rather than plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions. U Pb Sr in melt inclusion are more enriched than N-MORB because it may have been influenced by magma affected by the arc component. However, some melt inclusions have a similar tendency to N-MORB, which is similar to whole rocks analysis. In addition, large ion lithopile elements in melt inclusions(like to Sr, Pb) are more abundant than high field strength elements (like to Nb, Ta) in melt inclusions. It seems to have been influenced by the material of the surrounding trench. We will analyze Pb isotope in melt inclusions and thus expect to clearly indicate magma source and early magma eventsen_US
dc.titleGeochemistry of olivine-hosted and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions in basalts from Deception Islanden_US
dc.title.alternative디셉선섬 현무암에서 관찰되는 감람색과 사장석 내의 멜트포유물에 대한 지화학 분석en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationYang, Yun Seok, et al. 2019. Geochemistry of olivine-hosted and plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions in basalts from Deception Island. 2019 Polar Symposium. KOPRI. 2019.05.14~2019.05.15.-
dc.citation.conferenceName2019 Polar Symposiumen_US
Appears in Collections  
2019-2019, Characterizing mantle domain beneath West Antarctic Rift System and Antarctic mid-ocean ridges (19-19) / Park, Yongcheol (PE19050)
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