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Interannual variability of Circumpolar Deep Water in the Amundsen Sea: Model and Observation

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dc.contributor.authorPark, Taewook-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Tae-Wan-
dc.contributor.authorCho, Kyoung-Ho-
dc.contributor.authorLee, SangHoon-
dc.description.abstractObservations based on mooring stations as well as hydrographic survey have shown that Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) intrusion and behaviors in the Amundsen Sea Embayment show year-to-year variations. In this study, we analyzed model data (2001-2016) of a high-resolution MITgcm ocean model that allows ocean-ice shelf interaction, by comparing with observational data including a recent Araon expedition. We find that distinct patterns in hydrographic profiles observed in 2012 and 2014 attribute to wind stress curl and its relevant up- and downwelling processes in the oceanic interior.en_US
dc.titleInterannual variability of Circumpolar Deep Water in the Amundsen Sea: Model and Observationen_US
dc.title.alternative남극 아문젠해 환남극심층수 경년변동성: 아라온 관측 및 해양모델 활용en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationPark, Taewook, et al. 2018. Interannual variability of Circumpolar Deep Water in the Amundsen Sea: Model and Observation. 2018 The Korean Society of Oceanography Fall Conference. Busan Port International Exhibition & Convention Center (BPEX). 2018.10.25~2018.10.26.-
dc.citation.conferenceName2018 The Korean Society of Oceanography Fall Conferenceen_US
dc.citation.conferencePlaceBusan Port International Exhibition & Convention Center (BPEX)en_US
dc.subject.keywordAmundsen Seaen_US
Appears in Collections  
2018-2018, Ocean-to-Ice Interactions in Amundsen Sea: Ice shelf melting and its impact on ocean processes (18-18) / Kim, Tae-Wan (PE18060)
2017-2017, Ocean-to-Ice Interactions in Amundsen Sea: Ice shelf melting and its impact on ocean processes (17-17) / Lee, SangHoon (PE17060)
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