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Cyclostratigraphic age constraining for Quaternary sediments in the Makarov Basin of the western Arctic Ocean using manganese variability

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dc.contributor.authorPark, Kwangkyu-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Jung-Hyun-
dc.contributor.authorAsahi, Hirofumi-
dc.contributor.authorPolyak, Leonid-
dc.contributor.authorKhim, Boo-Keun-
dc.contributor.authorSchreck, Michael-
dc.contributor.authorNiessen, Frank-
dc.contributor.authorKong, Gee-Soo-
dc.contributor.authorNam, Seung-il-
dc.description.abstractThe Quaternary paleoenvironmental history of the Arctic Ocean remains uncertain, mainly due to the limited chronological constraints, especially beyond the 14C dating limits of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). The difficulty in establishing reliable chronostratigraphies is mainly attributed to low sedimentation rates and diagenetic sediment changes, resulting in very poor preservation of microfossils and altered paleomagnetic records. In the absence of independent chronostratigraphic data, the age model of Pleistocene sediments from the Arctic Ocean is mainly based on cyclostratigraphy, which relates lithologic changes to climatic variability on orbital time scales. In this study, we used the Mn/Al record measured from the sediment core ARA03B-41GC retrieved from the Makarov Basin in the western Arctic Ocean. The Mn/Al variation were tuned to the global benthic oxygen isotope stack (LR04) curve under different assumptions for computational correlation. Regardless of assumptions, our computational approach led to similar ages of about 600-1,000 ka for the bottom part of the core. These age models were up to about 200 ka older than those derived from lithostratigraphic approaches. Interestingly, our new age models show that the Ca/Al peak, a proxy for a detrital input from the Laurentide Ice Sheet, first occurred about 150 ka earlier than those previously proposed. Therefore, our results suggest that the glaciers in northern North America developed more extensively at about 810 ka than in earlier glacial periods, and influenced the sedimentary and paleoceanographic environments of the Arctic Ocean much earlier than previously thought. In order to establish a more comprehensive age model, more work is needed to validate our findings with different sediment cores recovered from the western Arctic Ocean.en_US
dc.titleCyclostratigraphic age constraining for Quaternary sediments in the Makarov Basin of the western Arctic Ocean using manganese variabilityen_US
dc.title.alternative서북극해 마카로프 분지의 망간 변동성을 이용한 제4기 연대층서 정립en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationPark, Kwangkyu, et al. 2019. Cyclostratigraphic age constraining for Quaternary sediments in the Makarov Basin of the western Arctic Ocean using manganese variability. Korean Quaternary AssociationㆍGeological Society of Korea Paleoclimate/Paleocean Section 2019 Conference. Pusan National University. 2019.12.05~2019.12.06.-
dc.citation.conferenceNameKorean Quaternary AssociationㆍGeological Society of Korea Paleoclimate/Paleocean Section 2019 Conferenceen_US
dc.citation.conferencePlacePusan National Universityen_US
dc.subject.keywordArctic Oceanen_US
Appears in Collections  
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2018-2018, Based Research on International Joint Drilling for Reconstructing Evolution and Glacial History of the Arctic Ocean (18-18) / Nam, Seung-il (PE18350)
2019-2019, Based Research on International Joint Drilling for Reconstructing Evolution and Glacial History of the Arctic Ocean (19-19) / Nam, Seung-il (PE19350)
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