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Variability of topographic Rossby waves observed on the shelfbreak of the Chukchi Sea

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dc.contributor.authorKu, Ahyoung-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Jae-Hun-
dc.contributor.authorSeung, Young Ho-
dc.contributor.authorJeon, Chanhyung-
dc.contributor.authorChoi, Youngseok-
dc.contributor.authorShimada, Koji-
dc.contributor.authorCho, Kyoung-Ho-
dc.contributor.authorYoshizawa, Eri-
dc.description.abstractOne-year-long current measurements from August 2014 at 193 m in the Chukchi Sea shelfbreak (74.80oN, 167.89oW) showed subinertial topographic Rossby waves (TRWs) around 35-hour period. The mooring was equipped with an upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP, RDI WHS 600 kHz) at 58 m and a downward-looking ADCP (RDI WHS 300 kHz) at 63 m, 29 temperature sensors, and four salinity sensors. The observations reveal a feature of TRWs such as bottom-intensified up-slope current fluctuations significantly coherent with near-bottom temperature fluctuations with a phase lag of approximately 90o at 35 h. Theoretical estimates of wavelength, angle of wavenumber vector, and bottom-trapping depth confirm that the observed near 35-h TRWs are plausible in the study area. Energetic TRWs are observed in September and October, during the sea-ice free season, while weak TRWs in other sea-ice covered months. Overall, TRW events coincide with strong wind-stress events around the study area, suggesting that the TRWs are triggered by atmospheric forcings. These findings imply that increasing sea-ice loss can result in the generation of more energetic TRWs, which could play an important role in water exchange between the shallow continental shelf and deep ocean.en_US
dc.titleVariability of topographic Rossby waves observed on the shelfbreak of the Chukchi Seaen_US
dc.title.alternative척치해 대륙붕단에서 관측된 지형적 로스비파의 변동성en_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationKu, Ahyoung, et al. 2020. Variability of topographic Rossby waves observed on the shelfbreak of the Chukchi Sea. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego Convention Center. 2020.02.16~2020.02.21.-
dc.citation.conferenceNameOcean Sciences Meeting 2020en_US
dc.citation.conferencePlaceSan Diego Convention Centeren_US
dc.subject.keywordTopographic Rossby Wavesen_US
dc.subject.keywordslope currenten_US
dc.subject.keywordwestern Arctic Oceanen_US
Appears in Collections  
2020-2020, Korea-Arctic Ocean Observing System(K-AOOS) (20-20) / Kang, Sung-Ho (PM20040)
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