Impact of Sea Ice Melting on Summer Air-Sea CO2 Exchange in the East Siberian Sea
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Impact of Sea Ice Melting on Summer Air-Sea CO2 Exchange in the East Siberian Sea
Other Titles
해빙이 동시베리아 여름철 대기-해양 CO2 플럭스에 미치는 영향
Mo, Ahra
Yang, Eun Jin
Kang, Sung-Ho
Kim, Dongseon
Lee, Kitack
Ko, Young Ho
Kim, Kitae
Kim, Tae-Wook
Environmental Sciences & Ecology; Marine & Freshwater Biology
Arctic Ocean; East Siberian Sea; ikaite; sea ice melting; total alkalinity
Issue Date
Mo, Ahra, et al. 2022. "Impact of Sea Ice Melting on Summer Air-Sea CO2 Exchange in the East Siberian Sea". FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 9: 1-12.
The role of sea ice melting on the air-sea CO2 flux was investigated at two ice camps in the East Siberian Sea of the Arctic Ocean. On average, sea ice samples from the two ice camps had a total alkalinity (TA) of ∼108 and ∼31 μmol kg-1 and a corresponding salinity of 1.39 and 0.36, respectively. A portion (18-23% as an average) of these sea ice TA values was estimated to exist in the sea ice with zero salinity, which indicates the excess TA was likely attributed to chemical (CaCO3 formation and dissolution) and biological processes in the sea ice. The dilution by sea ice melting could increase the oceanic CO2 uptake to 11-12 mmol m-2 d-1 over the next 21 days if the mixed layer depth and sea ice thickness were assumed to be 18.5 and 1.5 m, respectively. This role can be further enhanced by adding TA (including excess TA) from sea ice melting, but a simultaneous release of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) counteracts the effect of TA supply. In our study region, the additional impact of sea ice melting with close to unity TA:DIC ratio on air-sea CO2 exchange was not significant.
- Appears in Collections
- 2017 Polar Academic Program (PE17900)
2022-2022, Korea-Arctic Ocean Warming and Response of Ecosystem (22-22) / Yang, Eun Jin (PM22040)
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