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Ecological Responses of Core Phytoplankton by Latitudinal Differences in the Arctic Ocean in Late Summer Revealed by 18S rDNA Metabarcoding

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Ecological Responses of Core Phytoplankton by Latitudinal Differences in the Arctic Ocean in Late Summer Revealed by 18S rDNA Metabarcoding
Other Titles
18S rDNA 메타바코딩을 활용한 늦여름 북극해에 서식하는 중요 식물플랑크톤의 위도별 생태학적 반응
Joo, Hyoung Min
Kim, Kang Eun
Park, Joon Sang
Kim, Hyun-Jung
Yang, Eun Jin
Lee, Taek-Kyun
Cho, Kyoung-Ho
Jung, Jinyoung
Lee, Youngju
Kang, Sung-Ho
Jung, Seung Won
Environmental Sciences & EcologyMarine & Freshwater Biology
Arctic Oceancore phytoplanktonlatitudinal differences18S metabarcodingnano- and pico-phytoplankton
Issue Date
Joo, Hyoung Min, et al. 2022. "Ecological Responses of Core Phytoplankton by Latitudinal Differences in the Arctic Ocean in Late Summer Revealed by 18S rDNA Metabarcoding". FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 9: 1-13.
Limited information is available regarding the phytoplankton communities in the Arctic Ocean, especially in the Chukchi Sea. We conducted research cruises in the Arctic Ocean in the late summers of 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019, and used 18S ribosomal DNA metabarcoding to examine the dynamic changes in core phytoplankton. Environmental factors were divided into three Groups: “surface layers in low latitude”, “subsurface chlorophyll maximum layers in low latitude”, and “high latitude.” The phytoplankton community was divided into two Groups. One Group, “the phytoplankton community in lower latitudes affected by the Pacific Influx ”, comprised Dinophyta (56.33%), Bacillariophyta (22.28%), and Chlorophyta (20.77%), while the other Group, “the phytoplankton community in higher latitudes affected by the Arctic Sea ”, comprised Dinophyta (57.51%), Bacillariophyta (10.71%), and Chlorophyta (27.57%). The common phytoplankton taxa in Group of lower latitudes included 33 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) (99.04%), while the other Group included nine OTUs (98.80%). In these groups, OTUs #005 (Heterocapsa rotundata), #001 (Micromonas pusilla), and #003 (Chaetoceros gelidus) were core OTUs (>5%). These core OTUs were significantly different between the two Groups; OTU #001 and #003 were distributed at high relative abundance and rapidly increased at higher latitudes. OTU #005 showed a relatively high abundance at lower latitudes. Analysis of the indicator species revealed that 34 OTUs in lower latitudes and only one OTU (#003) in higher latitudes were observed to have a strong value of >0.8. Our results indicate that core phytoplankton taxa and community structures by latitudinal differences are highly dependent on different water masses and show their dynamic ecological responses to extreme environmental conditions.
Appears in Collections  
2021-2021, Korea-Arctic Warming and Response of Ecosystem (21-21) / Yang, Eun Jin (PM21040)
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