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Small phytoplankton contribution to the standing stocks and the total primary production in the Amundsen Sea

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Cited 15 time in scopus

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Sang Heon-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Sang H.-
dc.contributor.authorHa, Sun-Yong-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Jisoo-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Dabin-
dc.contributor.authorKang, Jae Joong-
dc.contributor.authorJoo, HuiTae-
dc.contributor.authorLim, Yu Jeong-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Bo Kyung-
dc.coverage.spatialAmundsen Sea-
dc.coverage.spatialSouthern Ocean-
dc.description.abstractSmall phytoplankton are anticipated to be more important in a recently warming and freshening ocean condition. However, little information on the contribution of small phytoplankton to overall phytoplankton production is currently available in the Amundsen Sea. To determine the contributions of small phytoplankton to total biomass and primary production, carbon and nitrogen uptake rates of total and small phytoplankton were obtained from 12 productivity stations in the Amundsen Sea. The daily carbon uptake rates of total phytoplankton averaged in this study were 0.42 g C m-2 d-1 (SD =±0.30 g C m-2 d-1) and 0.84 g C m-2 d-1 (SD=±0.18 g C m-2 d-1) for non-polynya and polynya regions, respectively, whereas the daily total nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) uptake rates were 0.12g N m-2 d-1 (SD=±0.09 g N m-2 d-1) and 0.21g N m-2 d-1 (SD=±0.11g N m-2 d-1), respectively, for non-polynya and polynya regions, all of which were within the ranges reported previously. Small phytoplankton contributed 26.9 and 27.7% to the total carbon and nitrogen uptake rates of phytoplankton in this study, respectively, which were relatively higher than the chlorophyll?a contribution (19.4%) of small phytoplankton. For a comparison of different regions, the contributions for chlorophyll a concentration and primary production of small phytoplankton averaged from all the non-polynya stations were 42.4 and 50.8 %, which were significantly higher than those (7.9 and 14.9%, respectively) in the polynya region. A strong negative correlation (r2=0.790, p-
dc.subjectEnvironmental Sciences & Ecology-
dc.titleSmall phytoplankton contribution to the standing stocks and the total primary production in the Amundsen Sea-
dc.title.alternative아문젠해에서 크기가 작은 식물플랑크톤의 생체량 및 총 일차생산성의 기여도 파악 연구-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationLee, Sang Heon, et al. 2017. "Small phytoplankton contribution to the standing stocks and the total primary production in the Amundsen Sea". <em>BIOGEOSCIENCES</em>, 14(15): 3705-3713.-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2015:9.24-
Appears in Collections  
2014-2016, Physical and Bio-Geochemical Processes in the Amundsen Sea / Lee; Sang H. (PP15020; PP16020; PP14020)
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