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Arctic Oscillation during the mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum from PMIP2 coupled model simulations

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Cited 14 time in scopus
Arctic Oscillation during the mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum from PMIP2 coupled model simulations
Other Titles
제2차고기후모형비교연구프로그램 대기-해양 접합모형으로부터 얻어진 홀로세중기와 마지막최대빙하기의 북극진동구
Junmei Lu
Kim, Seong-Joong
Rumi Ohhaito
Yongquing Yu
Ayako Abe-Ouchi
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
Arctic OscillationLast Glacial MaximumPMIP2coupled modelmid-Holocene
Issue Date
American Meteorological Society
Junmei Lu, et al. 2010. "Arctic Oscillation during the mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum from PMIP2 coupled model simulations". JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 23(14): 3792-3813.
Changes in the Arctic Oscillation (AO) during the mid-Holocene and the last glacial maximum were compared to pre-industrial simulations using four coupled ocean-atmosphere models (i.e. CCSM, HadCM3M2, IPSL, and MIROC3.2) from the second phase of Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project. Results show that the amplitude of the simulated AO during the mid-Holocene is a little smaller than that of the pre-industrial simulation. While the AO pattern and vertical structures are similar to those in the pre-industrial simulation, the polar westerlies are slightly weakened and displaced downward to the lower stratosphere, accompanied by weakening of the polar vortex and warming of the cold polar cap region. During the last glacial maximum, when the Northern Hemisphere experiences severe cooling, the intensity of the AO decreases substantially compared to the mid-Holocene, with smaller standard deviation of the AO indices in all models. Furthermore, the magnitude of positive and negative centers of the AO spatial pattern decreases, and the strength of the polar vortex and westerlies weakens further with the center of westerlies displaced into the mid-latitude upper troposphere. The polar cap region becomes anomalously warm in the stratosphere, while it remains cold in the troposphere. The AO appears to be sensitive to background climate state.
Appears in Collections  
2008-2011, Paleoclimate Modeling Study for Polar Regions (08-11) / Kim, Seong-Joong (PE08140, PE09120, PE10130)
2007-2010, Integrated research on the COMposition of Polar Atmosphere and Climate Change(COMPAC) (07-10) / Lee, Bang Yong (PE07030, PE08030, PE09030, PE10030, PG07012)
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