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Development of Mathematical Model for Both Solute Transport in Snowand Isotopic Evolution of Snowmelt

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Jeonghoon-
dc.description.abstractChemical and isotopic variations of snowmelt provide important clues for understanding snowmelt processes and the timing and contribution of snowmelt to catchment or watershed in spring. The newly developed model includes a hydraulic exchange between mobile and immobile water (ω), and isotopic exchanges between both mobile water and ice (f1) and immobile water and ice (f2). Since the new model is based on the mobile-immobile water conceptualization, which is widely used for describing chemical tracer transport in snow, it allows simultaneous calculations of chemical as well as isotopic variations in snowpack discharge. We compare the model results with a study of solute transport and isotopic evolution of snowmelt in snow, using artificial rain-on-snow experiments with conservative anion (Br-). These observations are used to test the newly developed model and to better understand physical processes in a seasonal snowpack where our model simulates the chemical and isotopic variations.change between mobile and immobile water (ω), and isotopic exchanges between both mobile water and ice (f1) and immobile water and ice (f2). Since the new model is based on the mobile-immobile water onceptualization, which is widely used for describing chemical tracer transport in snow, it allows simultaneous calculations of chemical as well as isotopic variations in snowpack discharge. We compare the model results with a study of solute transport and isotopic evolution of snowmelt in snow, using artificial rain-on-snow experiments with conservative anion (Br-). These observations are used to test the newly developed model and to better understand physical processes in a seasonal snowpack where our model simulates the chemical and isotopic variations.-
dc.titleDevelopment of Mathematical Model for Both Solute Transport in Snowand Isotopic Evolution of Snowmelt-
dc.title.alternative눈 속에서의 용질이동 및 융설의 동위원소변동에 관한 모델개발-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationLee, Jeonghoon. 2012. "Development of Mathematical Model for Both Solute Transport in Snowand Isotopic Evolution of Snowmelt". <em>Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment</em>, 17(5): 31-39.-
dc.citation.titleJournal of Soil and Groundwater Environment-
dc.description.jcrRateJCR 2010:0-
dc.subject.keywordIsotopic evolution of snowmelt-
dc.subject.keywordMobile-imobile water model-
dc.subject.keywordsolute transport-
Appears in Collections  
2010-2013, Development of Core Technology for Ice Core Drilling and Ice Core Bank (10-13) / Hur, Soon Do (PP10010, PE11090, PE12070, PE13070)
2012-2012, Isotopic effects on a snowpack by percolating meltwater using a physically based one-dimensional model (12-12) / Lee, Jeonghoon (PE12110)
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