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Evidence for ice-free summers in the late Miocenecentral Arctic Ocean

Cited 109 time in wos
Cited 84 time in scopus
Evidence for ice-free summers in the late Miocenecentral Arctic Ocean
Ruediger Stein
Gerrit Lohmann
Wilfried Jokat
Jens Matthiessen
Achim Kopf
Michael Kaminski
Laura Jensen
Catalina Gebhardt
Matthias Forwick
Frank Niessen
Gregor Knorr
SSchreck, Michael
Kirsten Fahl
Climate scienceEarth sciencesOceanography
Issue Date
Ruediger Stein, et al. 2016. "Evidence for ice-free summers in the late Miocenecentral Arctic Ocean". NATURE COMMUNICATIONS(11148): 1-13.
Although the permanently to seasonally ice-covered Arctic Ocean is a unique and sensitive component in the Earth's climate system, the knowledge of its long-term climate history remains very limited due to the restricted number of pre-Quaternary sedimentary records. During Polarstern Expedition PS87/2014, we discovered multiple submarine landslides along Lomonosov Ridge. Removal of younger sediments from steep headwalls has led to exhumation of Miocene sediments close to the seafloor. Here we document the presence of IP25 as a proxy for spring sea-ice cover and alkenone-based summer sea-surface temperatures 44 C that support a seasonal sea-ice cover with an ice-free summer season being predominant during the late Miocene in the central Arctic Ocean. A comparison of our proxy data with Miocene climate simulations seems to favour either relatively high late Miocene atmospheric CO2 concentrations and/or a weak sensitivity of the model to simulate the magnitude of high-latitude warming in a warmer than modern climate.
Appears in Collections  
2014-2016, Characteristics of gas hydrate and reconstruction of paleo-environment changes in the western Arctic (14-16) / Nam, Seung-Il (PE14062; PE15062; PE16062)
2015-2018, Changes in environments and coastal geomorphology of Svalbard fjords, Arctic (15-18) / Nam, Seung-il (PN15090; PN16090; PN17090)
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