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Chlorophyll fluorescence assisted with image analysis in Antarctic clam: quantification of internal food intake

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Chlorophyll fluorescence assisted with image analysis in Antarctic clam: quantification of internal food intake
Other Titles
엽록소 형광발색 측정을 이용한 남극큰띠조개 먹이섭취량 정량화
Ahn, In-Young
Choi, Kwang-Sik
Kang, Do-Hyung
Antarctic clamLaternula ellipticachlorophyllfluorescencefood
Issue Date
Ahn, In-Young, Choi, Kwang-Sik, Kang, Do-Hyung. 2004. Chlorophyll fluorescence assisted with image analysis in Antarctic clam: quantification of internal food intake. 한국과학재다(KOSEF) & 미국과학재단(NSF). 한국과학재다(KOSEF) & 미국과학재단(NSF). 2004.10.03~.
The Antarctic soft-shelled clam, Laternula elliptica is one of the most common marine organisms inhabiting in shallow subtidal water around the Antarctic continent and surrounding islands. Seasonal changes in internal food intake of the clam were investigated over two years period from Feb 1998 to Jan 2000. Total chlorophyll in water column was obtained from a long-term monitoring programs conducted at the King Sejong Station. For analysis, clams were sampled at Marian Cove, King George Island using SCUBA, fixed in 10% neutral formalin in situ and transported to the lab. After recording sizes and weight, the middle part of the body was sectioned longitudinallly for histological preparation. Digested chlorophyll in digestive system on the paraffin block measured by actinic red light(650 nm) and periodic flashes using the kinetic imaging fluorometer. After the light exposure for 10 sec to the blockk in the fluorometer, fluoresced block image was directly captured in FluorCam software. The number of fluoresced pixels was counted using image analysis software. Fluorescence intensity was determined as a sum of the pixel's number, and expressed as an internal food intalke index (IFI). The monthly mean vallue of the IFI was used for quantification of monthly feeding status of the clam.
Conference Name
한국과학재다(KOSEF) & 미국과학재단(NSF)
Conference Place
한국과학재다(KOSEF) & 미국과학재단(NSF)
Conference Date
Appears in Collections  
2004-2004, Annual Report of Environmental Monitoring at the King Sejong Station, Antarctica (04-04) / Lee, Bang Yong (PP04102)
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