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Sensitivity of southern hemisphere westerly wind to boundary conditions for the last glacial maximum

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dc.contributor.authorJun, Sang-Yoon-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Baek-Min-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Seong-Joong-
dc.description.abstractTo examine the change in SH westerly wind in the LGM, we performed LGM simulation with sensitivity experiments by specifying the LGM sea ice in the Southern Ocean (SO), ice sheet over Antarctica, and tropical pacific sea surface temperature to CAM5 atmosphere general circulation model (GCM). The SH westerly response to LGM boundary conditions in the CAM5 was compared with those from CMIP5 LGM simulations. In the CAM5 LGM simulation, the SH westerly wind substantially increases between 40°S and 65°S, while the zonal-mean zonal wind decreases at latitudes higher than 65°S. The position of the SH maximum westerly wind moves poleward by about 8° in the LGM simulation. Sensitivity experiments suggest that the increase in SH westerly winds is mainly due to the increase in sea ice in the SO that accounts for 60% of total wind change. In the CMIP5-PMIP3 LGM experiments, most of the models show the slight increase poleward shift of the SH westerly wind as in the CAM5 experiment. The increased and poleward shifted westerly wind in the LGM obtained in the current model result is consistent with previous model results and some lines of proxy evidence, though opposite model responses and proxy evidence exist for the SH westerly wind change.-
dc.titleSensitivity of southern hemisphere westerly wind to boundary conditions for the last glacial maximum-
dc.title.alternative마지막최대빙하기시기 경계조건에 따른 남반구 서풍의 변화-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationJun, Sang-Yoon, Kim, Baek-Min, Kim, Seong-Joong. 2017. Sensitivity of southern hemisphere westerly wind to boundary conditions for the last glacial maximum. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting. 미국 뉴올리언스. 2017.12.11~2017.12.16.-
dc.citation.conferenceName2017 AGU Fall Meeting-
dc.citation.conferencePlace미국 뉴올리언스-
Appears in Collections  
2017-2018, Investigation for the cause of east-west different climate responses in Antarctica (17-18) / Choi, Taejin; Kim, Seong-Joong (PE17010; PE18010)
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