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2020-2020, Investigation of ice microstructure properties for developing low-temperature purification and environment/energy materials (20-20) / Kim, Kitae

Project Code
Project Name (Other)
얼음의 미세구조 특성연구를 통한 저온 정화기술 및 환경/에너지 신소재 개발
Principal Investigator
Kim, Kitae
Proejct Period
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  • 1 Article Antarctic ozone hole modifies iodine geochemistry on the Antarctic Plateau

    남극 오존홀에 의한 남극고원의 요오드 지구화학거동 변동연구


    Spolaor, Andrea; Burgay, Francois; Fernandez, Rafael P.; Turetta, Clara; Cuevas, Carlos A.; Kim, Kitae; Kinnison, Douglas E.; Lamarque, Jean-Francois; de Blasi, Fabrizio; Barbaro, Elena; Corella, Juan Pablo; Vallelonga, Paul; Frezzotti, Massimo; Barbante, Carlo; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso

