2020-2020, Earth System Model-based Korea Polar Prediction System (KPOPS-Earth) Development and Its Application to the High-impact Weather Events originated from the Changing Arctic Ocean and Sea Ice (20-20) / Kim, Joo-Hong
- Project Code
- PE20090
- Project Name (Other)
- 북극 해양·해빙 변화에 기인한 북극과 한반도의 재해기상 현상 모델링 시스템(KPOPS-Earth)의 개발 및 활용
- Principal Investigator
- Kim, Joo-Hong
- Proejct Period
- 2020-2020
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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
- 1
Simulations of Winter Arctic Clouds and Associated Radiation Fluxes Using Different Cloud Microphysics Schemes in the Polar WRF: Comparisons With CloudSat, CALIPSO, and CERES
Polar WRF의 북극 겨울철 구름과 복사량 모의 결과와 CloudSat, CALIPSO, CERES와의 비교
Cho, Heeje; Jun, Sang-Yoon; Ho, ChangHoi; McFarquhar, Greg
- 2
Dependence of sudden stratospheric warming typetransition on preceding North Atlantic Oscillation conditions
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Choi, Hyesun; Choi, Wookap; Kim, Seong-Joong; Kim, Baek-Min
- 3
Evaluating the Impact of Assimilating Aerosol Optical Depth Observations on Dust Forecasts Over North Africa and the East Atlantic Using Different Data Assimilation Methods
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- 4
Cold-Season Arctic Amplification Driven by Arctic Ocean-Mediated Seasonal Energy Transfer
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