2020-2020, Land-Ice/Ocean Network Exploration with Semiautonomous Systems: Thwaites Glacier (LIONESS/TG) - Toward understanding the fate of the Thwaites Glacier by abrupt collapse and its impact on global sea level changes - (20-20) / Lee, Won Sang
- Project Code
- PM20020
- Project Name (Other)
- 서남극 스웨이트 빙하 돌발붕괴의 기작규명 및 해수면 상승 영향 연구
- Principal Investigator
- Lee, Won Sang
- Proejct Period
- 2020-2020
Link to raw and metadata information
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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
- 1
A decrease in melting of the Pine Island ice shelf due to a self-defensive process by meltwater
파인 아일랜드 빙붕 후퇴에 따른 해양 순환의 변화와 역할의 재조명
Yoon, Seung-Tae; Lee, Won Sang; Lee, Choon-Ki; Yun, Sukyoung; Nam, Sung-Hyun
- 2
A role of ocean gyre related to an extended ocean boundary via retreat of a Pine Island Glacier ice front
파인아일랜드 빙하 후퇴에 따른 해양 순환의 역할 재조명
Yoon, Seung-Tae; Nam, Sung-Hyun; Lee, Won Sang; Yun, Sukyoung; Boehme, Lars; Heywood, Karen J.; Zheng, Yixi
- 3
Prediction of global sea level rise related with melting in Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
지구온난화와 연관된 서남극 스웨이츠 빙하 용융에 의한 전 지구 해수면 상승 예측
Jin, Emilia Kyung; Park, In-Woo; Lee, Won Sang
- 4
Melting Antarctic ice sheets and global mean sea level rise
남극 빙하 붕괴와 전지구 해수면 상승 예측
Jin, Emilia Kyung; Na, Ji Sung; Park, In-Woo; Lee, Won Sang
- 5
Future mass loss of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica and its sea level contribution
미래 서남극 스웨이츠 빙하 질량 손실과 해수면 상승 예측
Jin, Emilia Kyung; Park, Inu; Lee, Won Sang
- 6
Responses of Antarctic melting to the future climate forcings
기후강제력에 따른 남극 용융
Jin, Emilia Kyung; Park, In-Woo; Lee, Won Sang
- 7
An open access dataset for developing automated detectors of Antarctic baleen whale sounds and performance evaluation of two commonly used detectors
남극 고래 신호 자동 분석 방법 개발을 위한 자료 공개와 자동분석 방법 성능 평가
Miller, Brian S.; Balcazar, Naysa; Nieukirk, Sharon; Leroy, Emmanuelle C.; Aulich, Meghan; Shabangu, Fannie W.; Dziak, Robert P.; Lee, Won Sang; Hong, Jong Kuk