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2014-2016, Characteristics of gas hydrate and reconstruction of paleo-environment changes in the western Arctic (14-16) / Nam, Seung-Il

Project Code
PE14062; PE15062; PE16062
Project Name (Other)
(세부과제2) 서북극권 해역 가스하이드레이트 특성과 고해양환경변화 복원 연구
Principal Investigator
Nam, Seung-Il
Proejct Period

(3rd Year : Title Alteration) Reconstruction of paleo-environment changes in the western Arctic / 후기 제4기 서북극권 고해양환경변화 복원 연구

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Browse "2014-2016, Characteristics of gas hydrate and reconstruction of paleo-environment changes in the western Arctic (14-16) / Nam, Seung-Il" by Author Forwick, Matthias

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
  • 1 Proceeding The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative


    Geissler, Wolfram H.; Knies, Jochen; Nielsen, Tove; Gaina, Carmen; Matthiessen, Jens; Gebhardt, Catalina; Damm, Volkmar; Forwick, Matthias; Hjelstuen, Berit Oline; Hopper, John R.; Husum, Katrine; Laberg, Jan Sverre; Kuerschner, Wolfram; Morigi, Caterina; SSchreck, Michael; Tripati, Aradhna K.; Vogt, Christoph Martin; Rebesco, Michele; Nam, Seung-Il; Carlson, Anders E.; Schepper, Stijn De; Lucchi, Renata; Mattingsdal, Rune; Jokat, Wilfried; Stein, Ruediger

  • 2 Article Evidence for ice-free summers in the late Miocenecentral Arctic Ocean


    Stein, Ruediger; Fahl, Kirsten; SSchreck, Michael; Knorr, Gregor; Niessen, Frank; Forwick, Matthias; Gebhardt, Catalina; Jensen, Laura; Kaminski, Michael; Kopf, Achim; Matthiessen, Jens; Jokat, Wilfried; Lohmann, Gerrit

